Thursday, 15 August 2013

I need your help.

I need your help.

4 words.

4 simple words.

Yet the meaning is enormous.

Profound sentence.

Have you ever posed that sentence yourself?

Have you heard anyone posed that sentence themselves?

What a powerful sentence that is!

What an amount of vulnerability is needed to just pronounce it.

Have you ever been able to admit that you need a help?

I need your help.

How many times can we admit it to ourselves that we actually need some help?

I myself have been a very independent person. I have done many things on my own, without the need of anyone. I have been able to answer many of the questions I have posed to myself, diligently and willingly looking for answers, for the meanings, for the solutions. However things can get very easily tangled in themselves if we do not admit to others and especially to ourselves that we actually really do need some help from time to time. Just like everyone else does.

I have been travelling abroad, organizing many things myself, managing and directing and arranging all the rest. No any other person to rely on. Things got tough and I myself got even tougher. It has been a minute after minute. It has been a day after day. It has been a week after week. It has been a month after month. It has been a year after year. Was I ever able to say to somebody and most importantly to admit it to myself that I definitely cannot manage everything on my very own and by myself? I cannot possibly know all the answers. Did I need to have a cry? Did I burst out crying all of a sudden? Did I have a breakdown? Did I hurt myself? Was I hurting? Was I crying out for a listening ear? Was I crying for attention to and for myself? Was I crying for a shoulder to lean on? Did I get myself so low? Did I need somebody? Was I hungry? Was I starving? Was I desperate? Was I just looking for stimulating conversations with someone?

Did I want a hug? Did I want a kiss? Did I want to snuggle up? Did I want a cuddle?

The person in question is being mentioned again without even meaning it doing so.

What else is there that I could finally realize I so much need help of somebody?

One day, perhaps, after many days of doing the same old stuff, you realize you are coming home with 4 walls and no one else there really to reach out to, to grab your hands around, to kiss, to hug, to say hello to, to ask about their day, to cook a dinner to, to share a laugh with, to listen to music with, to share everything about you with, sad stories, happy stories, funny stories, life stories, children’s stories, etc.

After certain period you may yourself feel a total burnout. Nothing else of you is working, you feel as if you have reached the end. What else is there of you that you can give to others?

If we ourselves are not happy, we cannot possibly make other people happy too.

If we ourselves do not love ourselves, how can we possibly love and give our love away to others?

All we need to do is start with ourselves. Start from where we are, with what we have got. Appreciate the journey, be grateful for every encounter, wish for us to get wiser and possess more strength and bravery.

I myself am a very strong person and that can sometimes backfire as the need of needing someone is very low. Sometimes I can even manage an incredible amount of things. No help, no advice, nothing needed. However, that is also an opportunity that should not be missed and viewed as a stepping stone to another lesson to learn and to enquire.

Coming home with the tail between the legs may not always be the answer. Asking parents for resources may not always help and again be the answer.

Where and when to spot the period when it is overstepping your boundaries?

Where and when to spot the point where it may be more of a pain and hurt later on than an advantage and a joy?

Where and when to spot the step needed to take in order to be able to ask other people for help?

Where and when do you need to find yourself in order to admit yourself that you do really need a bit of some help after all?

Still searching and swimming in the sea with the sharks is a story very familiar to so many people. And no, of course, we do not want to be eaten. We do not want to be eaten alive. We do not want to be eaten at all. But how can we learn to swim in that sort of sea without being eaten either alive or not eaten at all, after all?

Yes, I do need a help.

Yes, you also need some help, too.

And yes, we all need some help from time to time, too!

Where to go and ask for some help?

Who to ask for some help?

How to ask for some help?

Have we taken the first step in realizing that we do need some help after all?

How can we help others achieve what they need, what they want, what they desire?

How did you feel the first time you asked for help? Do you still recall? Did you feel embarrassed? Or did it come to you very naturally? Who was the person you asked for help? Did you succeed? Did anyone ever asked you for help? Did you do your best to help? How did you feel after providing such a service? Did you feel appreciated by just knowing that someone has put a trust in you with their challenge and took all the guts they have got to come up to you and ask??

(1009 words)

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