Monday, 29 July 2013

Running errands

Running errands

What errands do you have to run?

Have you made a list?

Have you got someone to help you out?

Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?

We all have errands to run. Things to finish, things to buy, things to purchase, things to complete, things to left undone, things to accomplish, things to sell, things to check, things to agree upon, things to give up on, things to quit, things to embrace, things to love, things to hate, things to adore, things to celebrate, etc.

Who is running your errands?

Have you ever watched/seen people going around?

Have you ever watched/seen people moving around?

Have you ever watched/seen people running around and about?

Have you ever watched/seen people rushing around and about and everywhere?

From the very moment we wake up, we are running a ritual of things to have done, of activities that need to be gone through, most of which we do without even thinking, on an auto pilot, we do all those things automatically, we do them subconsciously.

Are we hoping to finish a project?

Are we hoping to succeed in an endeavour?

Do we have a laundry list to finish?

Do we have a shopping list to get through?

Do we have a bucket list to accomplished?

Do we have goals to strive for?

Do we have dreams to make a reality?

Are you hoping to get a dream job? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get a date with your dream man/woman? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to live in your favourite country? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to find your soul-mate? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to have more like minded friends in your life? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to have and inject more fun and more adventure in your life? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get more active? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get healthy? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get better at reading? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get better at driving? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get better at public speaking? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get better at expressing your feelings and your emotions? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get better at love making? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

In order to make any chances in our life, we must decide. Not to decide is a decision in itself. We make plans, we organize activities, we make arrangements, we call to have appointments, we hope to have meetings and meet ups and hang outs with people we feel comfortable being with and around. We buy and purchase things to make our life just a bit easier. We send each other text to let them know we have been thinking about them, we make conference calls, we post cards and postcards and letters, we email one another regarding a class that has been cancelled. We put reminders into our mobile phones to remind us of important dates, of important arrangements, of important anniversaries, of important names, of important numbers, of important amounts, important information, important notes, important points.

Are we living the life or are we just surviving?

Are we enjoying every minute of the life?

Are we having fun?

Are we making a difference?

Are we helping other people?

Are we getting what we need?

Are we getting what we want?

Are we getting what we desire?

Are we happy?

Are we satisfied?

Are we complete in everything we do?

Are we reaching our goals?

Are we achieving our dreams?

Are we going after our pursuits?

Are we checking off the list?

Are we counting on others?

Are we minding our own business?

Would there ever be a period, a point where we could say to ourselves: yes, we have reached the summit?

Would you like to retire?

What would you do, if anything, at all?

How long would you live satisfactory this way?

Would you like some people having around?

Would you read any books?

Would you listen to any music?

Would you eat expensive food?

Would you drink expensive drinks?

Would you go on expensive holidays?

Would you start doing just something for fun?

Would you keep exercising if you are not doing it already?

Some people dream of a life with not challenges to be thrown their way. Some people dream of the easy road. Some people would like to do nothing at all and have everything imaginable and impossible, also.

There will always be tasks needed to be finished by us. There will always be dishes needed to be washed and dried. There will always be children needed to be fed and changed. There will always be pets needed to be taken care of. There will always be errands to be run. There will always be plants and trees needed to be watered and looked very well after. There will always be homework to be signed, there will always be paper to be filled in, there will always be kisses and hugs to be given and to be received in return! J



(1010 words)

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