Wednesday, 10 July 2013

I write, therefore I am.

I write, therefore I am.

I live, therefore I am.

I breathe, therefore I am.

I skip, therefore I am.

I jump, therefore I am.

I work, therefore I am.

I sing, therefore I am.

I make music, therefore I am.

I paint, therefore I am.

I make love, therefore I am.

I smile, therefore I am.

I play, therefore I am.

I dance, therefore I am.

I laugh, therefore I am.

I cry, therefore I am.

I type, therefore I am.

I giggle, therefore I am.

I swim, therefore I am.

I jog, therefore I am.

I run, therefore I am.

I speak, therefore I am.

I chat, therefore I am.

I talk, therefore I am.

I walk, therefore I am.

I eat, therefore I am.

I drink, therefore I am.

I sleep, therefore I am.

What is your passion?

What gets you going?

What wakes you up at night?

What keeps your juices flowing?

What has you up and running every single morning?

What makes you smile?

What makes your heart sing?

Whatever that is, you have to go ahead and pursue it.

Find what you love and let it kill you.

We all are here for a reason.

We all possess unique set of qualities that have never been here before.

We all possess unique set of qualities that are not currently occurring here right now at this very moment.

We all possess unique set of qualities that will never be here ever again.

Those are very profound statements to be made.

They sound true.

They seem true.

They are true.

What do you enjoy doing every single day without stopping it, without any interruption?

What would you don’t mind doing for free, without the need to be paid for your work?

What is that that you find yourself completely lost in?

Where do you feel most in the flow?
When do you feel most in the flow?
Who do you feel most in the flow with?
Do you prefer working in a group?
Are you a fan of working on your own, at your own pace?

What could you do over and over and over again and never get tired and never tire yourself of doing it?
How could you improve that what you are currently doing?
How could you get even better at doing what you absolutely love and enjoy doing?
How could you possibly enjoy doing and loving it even more and more with every single day passing?
Could you possibly explore more options of doing things, of doing stuff?
Could you possibly explore more places of doing things, of doing stuff?
Could you possibly explore more opportunities of doing things, of doing stuff?
Could you possibly explore more challenges of doing things, of doing stuff?
Could you possibly explore more routes of doing things, of doing stuff?
Could you possibly explore more ways of doing things, of doing stuff?
Could you possibly explore more roads of doing things, of doing stuff?
Could you possibly explore more journeys of doing things, of doing stuff?
Could you possibly explore more aspects of doing things, of doing stuff?

What is your purpose to be here on Earth, to be here on this planet?
What is your reason to be here on Earth, to be here on this planet?
What is your passion to be here on Earth, to be here on this planet?

We are human beings with feelings, with emotions, with full spectrum of moods, with abilities, with skills, with aspirations, with ambitions, with dreams, with longings, with strive, with thrives, with cravings, with hunger, with wants, with needs, with starving, with goals, with states, with positions.
What do we do in order to be doing what we are meant to do?
What do we do in order to be doing what we are best at?
What do we do in order to be doing what we are totally and utterly passionate about?
What do we do in order to be doing what we are made to be doing?
What do we do in order to be doing what we are here put on this earth to do?
What do we do in order to be doing what we are absolutely crazy about?
What do we do in order to be doing what we are absolutely mad about?

No activity, to step, no action is ever wasted. There is a reason to anything, there is a reason for everything.
No job, no position, no work is ever wasted. There is a reason to anything, there is a reason for everything.
What did you enjoy most doing when you were a little child, when you were a little boy, when you were a little girl?
What make belief toys and game were you playing and were you playing with?
What sort of children you were kept surrounding yourself with?
What were you kept saying over and over again?
What were you kept thinking over and over again?
What were you kept talking over and over again?

If you knew you could not fail, what would you attempt to do?

Certainly, our aspirations and dreams and ambitions have changes since our early childhood years, since our childhood.
Hobbies and activities that bring a shine to our teeth, that bring smile to our faces, that brighten our eyes are the ones we should you after, are the ones we should go attempting at, are the ones we should go pursuing after, are the ones we should run after, are the ones worth our time and effort to be put in.
Are we willing enough to not give up in case if things do not work out the way that we hoped for them to be working out?
Can we admit that we can make mistakes also?
Can we learn from our lessons?
Can we teach others along the way?
Can we leave a legacy?
What that legacy would be in your case?
Can you start writing and keeping a journal for recording all your trials and errors as well as your successes and memories?

(1018 words)

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