Sunday, 7 July 2013

Fight or not to fight?!?

Fight or not to fight?!?

Which battles are we supposed and meant to fight for?

Which battles are we supposed and meant to better leave alone and not to go ahead and fight for them?

Where do you know that the balance has been applied?

How to achieve the balance?

What things are worth fighting for?

What things are not worth fighting for?

We all have rules to live by. We may not like to fight at all. However there comes a time (and they always come) when even though we may not prefer it this way, we may go into battle. The most battles we will fight will be the ones with ourselves.

Where to balance the fights worth fighting for and the one not worth fighting for?

Where to draw the line?

Would experiences with life’s challenges be of some help here to us at all?

What would be the drawbacks and what would be the advantages with going either way?

What would work for you?

What would be going against your feelings?

Where and when would be the turning point for you?

In pursuing someone you care about yet still feel unsure about the relationship as a whole thing, what would you decide to do? Would you go ahead and tell the other person about your feelings, about what you feel towards them, about what you feel while being with them, about what would you like to give to them, about what would you like to share with them, about the way you would like to make a love to them, about the day you wish you had a breakfast together, about the way you both would prepare and eat a lunch, about the guests you would be thinking of inviting for your dinner party, about how many children you would like to have with this very special person in your heart, about the way you like they smile, about the way you so love giving them compliments, about the way they pronounce certain words that you so damn find sexy and full of passion and enthusiasm, about the way they make their bed in the morning, about everything and about anything that has just crossed your busy mind, about the sweet kisses they give you, about the way they hold you tight, about the way you embrace them and they embrace you back, about the long hugs you give each other day in and day out, about everything you so deeply love and enjoy and cherish and appreciate and adore and cannot live without about the other person….

…. Or would you rather hold back. Would you sit back and try to hide your true feelings, try not to express your inner most feelings and longings and sweet nothings?

In relation to work, what would be your approach?

Would you ask your boss for a promotion? Or would you be too afraid of and scared of even thinking about it, even mentioning it, even talking about it, even speaking to anyone about this very issue of yours, even about approaching your boss with that subject on your mind, of even considering such a deal possible, of even valuing yourself so high in your eyes, of even going after this offer?

What else is there?

What fights would you go 100% and which you would leave to and for somebody else’s weapons?

Would you be willing to go and approach the people who have been there and done that? Would you learn from them? What advice would you ask of them?

Or would you rather make and learn from your very own mistakes? Would you not mind them doing and then right afterwards embracing them to your advantages?

Would you rather be a teacher?

Or would you rather be a student?

Would you rather be a leader?

Or would you rather be a follower?

Are you a nice, sincere person who would skip fighting all together and live easily in your comfort zone?

Or are you daring enough to knock down a few mountains and scratch your knee in order to achieve all that you desire and all that your heart craves for, is hungry for, and your heart is starving for? Would you not mind take a couple of steps back in order to move one step forward? What would that mean to you?

Would you go ahead and make a list of all the things in the entire world that you would definitely and with 100% certainty go and fight after?

Would you go ahead and make a list of all the things in the entire world that you would definitely and with 100& certainty never go and fight after?

Would you keep those lists as a reminder for yourself in times of need?

As we are slowly but surely nearing the end of this article, would you be up for a task, for a homework set to you by me to do after reading this post?


I thought so!


I strongly believe in never leaving the sight of setting the goal without doing something, anything in order to move closer to realizing this very goal, in making it happen just a little bit more realistic.

If you, please, go and pick one of the fights that you would always fight for with all your heart, with all your body, with all your soul, with all your spirit, with all your mind, with all your weapons available to you.

Now, go and make it happen. TODAY.

If you, please, go and pick one of the fights that you would never fight for with all your heart, with all your body, with all your soul, with all your spirit, with all your mind, with all your weapons available to you.

Now, go and make it happen. TODAY.

Make a mental note of a written note if need be and keep it safe for future reference.

Be careful what you wish for!

Written things take a new meaning!

Now, go and do your homework.

Thank you so very much for attending my class. It is very much appreciated!!

(1021 words)

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