Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Lose OR Gain ?!?

Lose OR Gain ?!?

Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

What is there to lose?

What is there to gain/win?

If you do this or that, would you lose?

If you do this or that, would you win/gain?

If you take this road, would you lose?

If you take this road, would you win/gain?

What if you were to contact this person, what would in your opinion be the outcome?

What if you were not to contact this person, what would in your opinion be the outcome?

Would timing play a role here?

Would you thoughts play a role here?

Would you energy play a role here?

How much energy do you need to invest?

How much effort do you need to put in?

How much resource would you need to work with?

How many people would you need to employ, if any at all?

There is a quote that quite sums up what I have been trying to convey here.

It goes something like this: in 10 years’ time (or so) we would regret those things that we did not do, those actions we did not take, those phone calls we did not make, those messages we did not send, those letters we did not send, those cards we did not post, those occasions we did not take our chance rather than all those things we did actually do, those actions we did actually take, those phone calls we did actually make, those messages we did actually send, those letters we did actually send, those cards we did actually post/email, those occasions we did actually take our chances.

Can we take the paper out and write down actually all the pros and all the cons if we took the action and then all the pros and cons in case that we did not take the action?

Could there be a pain?

Can we feel hurt?

What if the things did not work out as we planned, as we hoped?

What if the things did actually work out as we planned, as we hoped?

What if the people we counted on would not show up as promised?

What if the people we counted on would actually show up as promised?

What if the person we so love, we so adore, we so appreciate, we so cherish would actually accept our invitation and would go on a date with us?

What if we were wrong all along?

What if we were correct and right all along?

Can we suffer all the pain?

Can we suffer all the hurt?

Can we survive all the pain?

Can we survive all the hurt?

Can we suggest a different approach?

Can we come up with different solution?

Can we think of a different resolution?

Can we recommend a different way?

Fear is our enemy.

Ego can join in as well.

Fear and ego go hand in hand.

Are you letting the fear run your life?

Are you letting the ego run the riot in your life?

Perhaps we have been afraid of being rejected.

Perhaps we have been scared of being alone/feeling lonely.

Perhaps we have been worried of being left at the back.

How can you possibly know, how can you decide upon what may be right and what may be wrong for you?

How can you possibly forth see into the nearest future of yours?

How long can you possibly bear the pain?

How long can you possibly bear the hurt?

How long can you possibly bear being rejected?

How long can you possibly bear the feeling of neglect?

Yes, of course, we all have different points of where the pain subsides and where on the other hand it feels totally and utterly unbearable for us.

Can you look and see and search for the bright side of it all?

Can there possibly be a deeper meaning to it all?

Our experiences, our thought processes, perhaps even our heritage, our genetics, our stress level, the level of our health, that all can play and plays a significant role and part of what we are willing to try and pursue and what we would rather let go, let go of, forget completely, left totally alone, utterly ignore.

Are we passionate human beings not afraid of a change?

Are we passionate human beings not afraid to have our fingers burst from time to time?

Are we passionate human beings not scared of being rejected?

Are we passionate human beings willing to go after our dreams time and time again?

Are we passionate human beings that will try almost anything in order to achieve everything and anything that our mind can possibly produce?

Are we passionate human beings who will love over and over again even though we have been hurt in the past, left heartbroken, cheated on, etc.?

Are we passionate human beings who will still get up, brush ourselves off and carry on with the life and living every single and each day?

Are we passionate human beings who without the sign of tiredness will still keep up their art, their creation juices flowing, their writing, their singing, their music production, their painting, their gardening, their walking, their exercising, their healthy eating habits, their random acts of kindness, their love for the nature, for the animals, for the children, for the elderly, for anything unattractive, for their piece of quiet moment in the morning, for their cup of tea, for their ability to smile, to give, to love, to laugh, to inspire, to draw eternal pictures, for building castles and churches, for the ability to appreciate little things and be grateful for everything we have in our lives, be grateful for everything we have already achieved and enquired in our lives so far.

Can we go and do what is necessary even though we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel?

What would we be willing to do if we know we could not possibly fail?!?

(1008 words)

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Would it make a difference? Would it change a thing?

Would it make a difference? Would it change a thing?

Just imagine if you had only certain amount of days to enjoy and to spent, would you let other people know?

What would you say, would it make a difference? Would it change a thing at all?

Would it make a huge impact on you and on those around you? What do you think would be the consequences of your action on case you decided to let them in on the secret of yours?

Would you behave differently?

Would the people around you behave and feel differently?

Would you feel differently?

Would you do things differently?

Would you do different things?

Would you surely and certainly cut down on a waste and do only what makes you truly and completely happy and satisfied?

Would you begin to live, finally?

Would you try and organize all the things, have everything sorted out?

Would you try to analyse everything, anything?

How come that people mostly realize the valuable possession they hold when it may be too late, way too late that is?

Are we perhaps too selfish?

Are we perhaps too self – indulgent?

Are we perhaps too self – interested?

Are we perhaps too self – absorb?

How many hours would it require for us to realize all that we have, all that we should be thankful for, all that we should be grateful for, all that we should be appreciative of?

Would you try and go the best summer ever without even telling anyone of your intentions?

Is it only your game to be played?

Is it only you who knows the rules?

The life, our life is for living. We decide on the rules. We even can decide on the players we are willing to play with and also on those we would rather put on a time out bench.

What rules are you following? Are those yours? Are you following somebody else’s?

If you have not made up your mind in regards to the rules? If not, you can be almost sure that someone else will try and push his/her own rules onto you. They may or they may not succeed now.

Are you ready to get up, brush yourself off and carry on with living as if nothing bad has ever happened to you? Or would the opposite be the case more or less here?

How many hours do you still have left?

How many days do you still have left?

How many weeks do you still have left?

How many months do you still have left?

How many years do you still have left?

If you can, how can you extend those?

What would make you push your very own boundaries?

Who would make you push your very own boundaries?

What would make you stop and think real hard?

Who would make you stop and think real hard?

What would be the tipping point for you?

Would you coordinate your decision based on your very own actions?

Our life consists of so many decisions. It could have taken us years to decide but at the very moment we do so, our life has taken a different direction, our life has taken a different view, our life has taken a different shape, our life has taken a different path, our life has taken a different road, our life has taken a different ride, our life has taken a different approach, our life has taken a different way.

It is in our moments of decisions that our destiny is shaped.

Are you deciding to contact this person or not?

Are you deciding to call up this person or not?

Are you deciding to send this letter or not?

Are you deciding to send this email or not?

Are you deciding to copy this document or not?

Are you deciding to print this form or not?

Are you deciding to kiss this person or not?

Are you deciding to hug this person or not?

Are you deciding to book this ticker or not?

Are you deciding to leave the country or not?

Are you deciding to exercise or not?

Are you deciding to make a skype phone call or not?

Are you deciding to eat healthy or not?

Are you deciding to tell the truth or not?

Are you deciding to pay the rent or not?

Are you deciding to be yourself or not?

Are you deciding to drive this car or not?

Are you deciding to cycle or not?

Are you deciding to cook or not?

Are you deciding to go and eat at the restaurant or not?

Are you deciding to give this present/gift away or not?

Are you deciding to type this away or not?

Are you deciding to read this book or not?

Are you deciding to listen to this song or not?

Are you deciding to paint this picture or not?

Are you deciding to make music or not?

Are you deciding to surprise somebody or not?

Are you deciding to volunteer or not?

Are you deciding to wear this outfit or not?

Are you deciding to plug in the computer or not?

Are you deciding to sell this item or not?

Are you deciding to ask for an advice or not?

Are you deciding to help out somebody or not?

Are you deciding to provide somebody with much needed support and help or not?

Are you deciding to clean up your room or not?

Are you deciding to watch the television or not?

Are you deciding to cancel the meeting or not?

Are you deciding to call yourself a victim or not?

Are you deciding to be responsible for all your actions or not?

Are you deciding to make a decision now and here or not?

Are you deciding to blog about this to the world or not?

Are you deciding to accept the invitation or not?

Are you deciding to finish everything you planned for yourself or not?

Are you going to decide at all or not??

(1004 words)

Monday, 29 July 2013

Running errands

Running errands

What errands do you have to run?

Have you made a list?

Have you got someone to help you out?

Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?

We all have errands to run. Things to finish, things to buy, things to purchase, things to complete, things to left undone, things to accomplish, things to sell, things to check, things to agree upon, things to give up on, things to quit, things to embrace, things to love, things to hate, things to adore, things to celebrate, etc.

Who is running your errands?

Have you ever watched/seen people going around?

Have you ever watched/seen people moving around?

Have you ever watched/seen people running around and about?

Have you ever watched/seen people rushing around and about and everywhere?

From the very moment we wake up, we are running a ritual of things to have done, of activities that need to be gone through, most of which we do without even thinking, on an auto pilot, we do all those things automatically, we do them subconsciously.

Are we hoping to finish a project?

Are we hoping to succeed in an endeavour?

Do we have a laundry list to finish?

Do we have a shopping list to get through?

Do we have a bucket list to accomplished?

Do we have goals to strive for?

Do we have dreams to make a reality?

Are you hoping to get a dream job? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get a date with your dream man/woman? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to live in your favourite country? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to find your soul-mate? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to have more like minded friends in your life? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to have and inject more fun and more adventure in your life? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get more active? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get healthy? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get better at reading? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get better at driving? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get better at public speaking? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get better at expressing your feelings and your emotions? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

Are you hoping to get better at love making? What steps are you taking necessary to make sure it must going to happen?

In order to make any chances in our life, we must decide. Not to decide is a decision in itself. We make plans, we organize activities, we make arrangements, we call to have appointments, we hope to have meetings and meet ups and hang outs with people we feel comfortable being with and around. We buy and purchase things to make our life just a bit easier. We send each other text to let them know we have been thinking about them, we make conference calls, we post cards and postcards and letters, we email one another regarding a class that has been cancelled. We put reminders into our mobile phones to remind us of important dates, of important arrangements, of important anniversaries, of important names, of important numbers, of important amounts, important information, important notes, important points.

Are we living the life or are we just surviving?

Are we enjoying every minute of the life?

Are we having fun?

Are we making a difference?

Are we helping other people?

Are we getting what we need?

Are we getting what we want?

Are we getting what we desire?

Are we happy?

Are we satisfied?

Are we complete in everything we do?

Are we reaching our goals?

Are we achieving our dreams?

Are we going after our pursuits?

Are we checking off the list?

Are we counting on others?

Are we minding our own business?

Would there ever be a period, a point where we could say to ourselves: yes, we have reached the summit?

Would you like to retire?

What would you do, if anything, at all?

How long would you live satisfactory this way?

Would you like some people having around?

Would you read any books?

Would you listen to any music?

Would you eat expensive food?

Would you drink expensive drinks?

Would you go on expensive holidays?

Would you start doing just something for fun?

Would you keep exercising if you are not doing it already?

Some people dream of a life with not challenges to be thrown their way. Some people dream of the easy road. Some people would like to do nothing at all and have everything imaginable and impossible, also.

There will always be tasks needed to be finished by us. There will always be dishes needed to be washed and dried. There will always be children needed to be fed and changed. There will always be pets needed to be taken care of. There will always be errands to be run. There will always be plants and trees needed to be watered and looked very well after. There will always be homework to be signed, there will always be paper to be filled in, there will always be kisses and hugs to be given and to be received in return! J



(1010 words)

Sunday, 28 July 2013

If you really like me, you will also like that.

If you really like me, you will also like that.

If you like me, you may not like that.

If you really like me, you will also like that.

Wish the best of happiness to others and more!

What would you wish for the very person you absolutely and totally love?

What would you wish for the very person you absolutely and totally adore?

What would you wish for the very person you absolutely and totally cherish?

What would you wish for the very person you absolutely and totally worship?

What would you wish for the very person you absolutely and totally want?

What would you wish for the very person you absolutely and totally need?

What would you wish for the very person you absolutely and totally desire?

What would you wish for the very person you absolutely and totally appreciate?

What would you wish for the very person you absolutely and totally want to help?

Is being selfish the answer?

If someone comes up to you and tells you the news of leaving and not being able to perhaps see you ever again, what would you do?

Would your ego win the prize?

Would you try and go and fight the reality?

Would you go back inside yourself and sulk?

Would you go and celebrate?

Would you pretend as if nothing has ever happened?

Would you try and make suggestions?

Would you go and make up new ideas?

Would you go and tell other stories?

Would you go and tell your opinion on things?

Maybe our first reaction to this situation or any other similar to this one for that matter would be more or less of a selfish nature. However, after considering all the options and possibilities and suggestions and ideas and offers, we may see the entire situation from a different point of view and with the different set of eyes.

Do you really care for this person?

Do you really, really care for this very person?

Would you see their happiness from their set point rather from the one labelled with your name on the sticker?

Would you see it working well in the near future?

Would you see this person going after their dream?

Would you see this person going after their passion?

Would you see this person going after succeeding in their endeavour?

Would wishing them the best of luck come naturally to you?

Is seeing success after success for this very person your priority for them and for yourself for that matter, too?

Would you self – indulge in self - pity just because you were not thought of in the first place?

It is not easy, of course, to see the whole picture of the situation, of the occurrence, of the circumstance.

How about seeing it from the 3rd seat?

What do I mean by that, you ask?

Well, this situation can be seen and viewed from 3 different angles. The one that may come easy to you is seeing and viewing it from the stand point of yours. You employ all your experiences, all the feelings, all the notions, all the learning, all the teaching, all the knowledge enquired to this day so far. You have your say, you have your turn, and you clearly speak up your mind. You cry out your worries if you will. Are you actually good enough for this person? Can you possibly satisfy all their hunger, all their cravings, all that starving eyes?

Then, this situation, or any other one for that matter, of course, too, can also be only and just view from the person concerned. With all the emotions, with all the feelings, will all the hunger, with all the craving, with all the starvation in their very eyes, with all their experiences, with all the notions, with all the learning, with all the teaching, with all the knowledge included.

Imagine, sitting in the 3rd chair and learning about this very particular situation. You have been listening to both sides in and of the question, you may or may not even heard the verdict. Now, how would you go about solving this situation, how would you approach the whole and entire challenge? What would be the concept you would come up with? You would totally and absolutely remove yourself and this particular person out of the challenge. You would only be concerned about the situation from a person who has no real feelings to either both of you.

If you could use all of the options as outlined and stated above, then take notes and decide upon which answers would fit and suit best for this particular situation. 

Describe and write down all the advantages, all the disadvantages, all the pros and all the cons. Then discuss it with all the people present and involved and concerned. And then come to a solution, come to a conclusion, come to a resolution.

Would you be up for it? Would you be willing to go through all this in order to help out a friend in need? Would you be willing to put in the effort? Would you be willing to put in the time? Would you be willing to put in yourself? Would you be willing to put in all of your resources? Would you be willing to go the extra mile? Would you be willing to engage all of your senses? Would you be willing to put in all of your knowledge? Would you be willing to put in all of your learning? Would you be willing to put in all of your teaching? Would you be willing to put in all of your feelings? Would you willing to put in all of your emotions? Would you be willing to put in all of your experiences? Would you be willing to put in all of your notions?

Are you winning?

Are you losing?

Are you losing touch with yourself?

Are you losing touch with this particular person?

To start all over again. We simply must!

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Saturday, 27 July 2013

The differences between us must bring us together

The differences between us must bring us together

That would make sense as long as we are open to change and understand the real meaning behind the statement above.

Sometimes the things you so want and you so desire show up in your life in the most unlikely places and at the least expected times.

The people, places, circumstances can suddenly pop up in our life.

Sometimes we have got to do the very things we do not feel like doing at all.

The things that are being played as differences between us are actually the ones that should and must bring us together, the very ones that we should embrace and celebrate!

Just think about that for a minute. How profound that is!

What are the very things that irritate you about the other person? Are they not the very ones that you also have in more or less measure and we have not yet learn to love and appreciate and understand and embrace about ourselves?

What are the characteristic traits of a person you would appreciate?

What are the characteristic traits of a person you would not appreciate?

How can you use that to help yourself and to help others?

Have you ever met and experienced a person who completely feels like a total opposite of you?

How can you possibly find a way towards one another and work things out?

Are you both willing to do the work necessary in order to make things work between you two?

Do you really feel you both are so different, or is it more or less in a way how you perceive the whole situation, the whole concept of seeing and viewing each other?

Or are you actually so alike?

Could there be a deeper meaning?

Could there be a learning to be enquired?

Could there be some work needed to be done?

Could there be more understanding to be gained?

Coming to terms with all the differences, we are actually mirrors to one another. We attract to ourselves that which we ourselves radiate, the frequency we are vibrating on.

If we are loving people, we are going to attract some loving people our way.

If we are kind people, we are going to attract some kind people our way.

If we are sweet people, we are going to attract some sweet people our way.

If we are willing people, we are going to attract some willing people our way.

If we are hardworking people, we are going to attract some hardworking people our way.

If we are helpful people, we are going to attract some helpful people our way.

If we are obliging people, we are going to attract some obliging people our way.

If we are giving people, we are going to attract some giving people our way.

If we are tender people, we are going to attract some tender people our way.

If we are generous people, we are going to attract some generous people our way.

What can we learn from the person who possesses the habit we cannot absolutely stand?

Can we still enjoy each other’s company, laugh along the way, give sweet smiles to each other, and give thanks and gratitude and a deed appreciation to one another?

Is it possible?

Yes, it is possible.

What do you find attractive about this very person?

What does he/she find attractive about you?

What did attract you to this person in the first place?

What did attract this person to you in the first place?

Has it been a mutual understanding?

Has it been a deep appreciation?

Has it been a proof of gratefulness?

Has it been a sign of kindness?

Has it been their smile?

Has it been their soul?

Has it been their mind?

Has it been their heart?

Has it been their body?

Has it been their laugh?

We are built on relationships. We are born on relationships. We strive on relationships. We crave on relationships. We are hungry on relationships. We are made on relationships. We are sworn on relationships. We are done on relationships. We are needed on relationships. We are kind on relationships. We are sorted on relationships. We are grateful on relationships. We are appreciative on relationships.

Relationships is what keeps us going, it is what keeps us healthy, it is what keeps us happy, it is what keeps us meaningful, it is what keeps us satisfied, it is what we desire, it is what keeps us alive, it is what keeps us working.

Learning about and from each other is the base of any kind and sort of relationship that has a soul, that has a meaning, something that has a future, something that has a purpose.

Are you the people pleaser?

Are you the people lover?

Are you the people hater?

Are you the people admired?

Are you the people adorer?

Are you the people enemy?

Are you the people friend?

Are you the people family?

Are you the people little sister?

Are you the people big brother?

Are you the people mother?

Are you the people father?

Are you the people neighbour?

Are you the people volunteer?

Are you the people survivor?

Are you the people victor?

Are you the people victim?

Are you the people oppressor?

Are you the people king?

Are you the people queen?

Are you the people prince?

Are you the people princess?

Are you the people entrepreneur?

Are you the people loner?

Are you the people activist?

Are you the people builder?

Are you the people writer?

Are you the people artist?

Are you the people musician?

Are you the people pianist?

Are you the people child?

Are you the people president?

Are you the people mentalist?

Are you the people maker?

Are you the people shaker?

Are you the people icon?

Whatever you do, whoever you are, whatever you are thinking about, whatever you are feeling, whatever you are saying, whatever you are giving, whatever you are receiving, that is exactly what makes you, that is exactly what turns you into the person you are now, you are becoming in the process.

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