Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Yes / Not Yet / I have something better in mind (for You!)

Yes / Not Yet / I have something better in mind (for You!)

Does it need to be said more, anything, anymore?

Does it need any other more introduction?

This I have come across of lately. This statement is simple yet profound. It tells it like it is. What more we could possibly ask for?

Considering that every single one of us has dreams and visions and ambitions that we wish to see accomplished and fulfilled and satisfied, we may have also tendencies to ask for a helping hand, for a piece of advice, for a guidance, for a reassurance, for anything  just to move us forward on our journey.

But probably the hardest part of all is, how do we know we are set on the right track, how do we know which route to choose, how do we trust, how do we believe, how do we have faith, how do we proceed, how do we go about pursing our visions and dreams and ambitions? Who can give us the answer? Would this trip be safer for us, or more of a challenge? Should we go or should we stay? Ah, there are so many decisions to be made, so many actions to be taken. Where do we start, when do we finish?

What can we embrace?

What can we accept?

What can we ignore?

What can we suggest?

The list is, of course, endless.

Do we perhaps have some unrealistic expectations? How would we know if we did? Do we compare our life to others’? Are we comparing ourselves to others? How do we proceed? Do we take the low road? Do we go the high way? Are we going to lead a mediocre life?

The questions that we may have and also we have been searching for the answers to them so desperately. Will we ever find them? Is there a way, a solution to shorten the trip? Is there a shortcut that we could take just so to speed up the journey?

Success leaves clues. That is so profound, so true, so poignant, so sharp, so close, and yet so simple. Who has done that what we desire to do, to achieve, to succeed in? Who has been there and done that? Who has been where we desire to go? Who is the mentor that we could fall back on? Who and where is the teacher that could show us the way, someone that could also teach us the lessons on the way there? The lessons we so desperately need to study! When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Are we ready yet? Are we ready to listen? Are we ready to take notes?

What is the today’s topic suggesting to us? What the title wants us to learn? What does the title says to us?

As I have mentioned earlier, we all strive to be successful and at some point or the other we may have feel disappointed, we may have experienced feelings of failure, or disconnection, of messiness, of confusion, of disillusion, of discomfort, of separation. We are at the crossroad, no way of knowing what else to do, if anything at all. Shall we just remain stuck, shall we proceed, or shall we wait, or shall we move 2 steps backwards?

The important part of the learning journey is the fact and a knowing that all this is happening for our good. Yes, we may not see it this way at first, but as the journey unfolds in front of our very eyes, we will surely understand, we will surely be grateful, we surely come to a conclusion that it truly does what it exactly says on the tin.

… Yes simply means: Yes, your wish has been granted upon you. You have been blessed. You dream came true. Everything that you ever wished had become a reality. What more could you ask then?

... obviously not yet this has come. There is still some learning to be done, some lessons needed to be taken. Some people have to be met and contacted, some fun to be had, some writing to be done, some reading to be finished, some searching to be looked over, reading up on articles, something to catch up on and with. As they say the best is yet to come, so are you ready for your very best to come and to show up in your life?

... that in my opinion is the sweetest version of our dreams. What can be more beautiful, more amazing, more wonderful, more special, more awesome, more generous, more courageous, more adventurous, more everything?

We always advise on when wishing for something to say the wish in the way that says we would love our wish to come true OR something better. In this way, we never lose. We always win. Always! In every case, in any case.

Are you ready for even the most wildest and strangest dreams of yours to come true? How about if they were even most wildest and strangest that you could have ever imagined, not even in the most sweetest and the most beautiful dreams of yours!! And yes, everything is possible. This is possible for you. if you can dream it, if you can imagine it, it you can visualize it, then and only then it WILL COME TO FRUITATION.

So, lighten up, cheer up, good things, good times are coming your way if only you could see it this way. Happiness is a choice. You can always make a choice. What and how you choose is only up to you. It is your one and only life. There are laws that work for you, there are prices to be paid. However, nevertheless, the journey is worthwhile.

You will know.

You will discover it.

Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.

(1004 words)

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