Monday, 20 May 2013



What is your response to ‘Mondays’?

What is your reaction to ‘Mondays’?

How do you feel on Sunday evenings?

How do you yourself view Mondays?

Do you dread them?

Are you looking forward to them?

Do you have something to look forward to on Mondays?

Is there a way to make it just a little bearable for you if Mondays are not your cup of coffee/a tea?

Our lives consist of little encounters, little meetings, little consequences, little gatherings, little somethings, little things, little surprises, little messages, little notes, little meanings, little songs, little poems, little articles, little miracles, little smiles, little laughs, little cries, little toys and little gifts, little joys.

Have we been living only for the weekends? What a sad way to live…

Can we find a joy, surprises in every single each day?

What is there about Mondays that people feel afraid of, sadden by, frustrated about, angry with, upset with, horrified with, stressed about, worried about, anxious about, disappointed with??

It has been said that most people die of a heart attack on Monday. And no this is NOT a coincidence. No animals are affected by it which clearly states that humans brain and mind brought us here. Why would we do this to ourselves? Can we not enjoy work that feels totally fulfilled and passionate and satisfied and happy and great to be around and enjoyable and imaginative and well thought of and creative and all that really matters to us and in our life?

Shall we go and strive for what we truly and honestly deserve?

Can we go after what our soul and heart and mind and body desire?

What is our calling?

What is our purpose?

Are ‘Mondays’ that ‘bad’ only because we have to get up and go and run to work that does not makes us happy and fulfilled and satisfied?

Could there be any other reason?

Why do we not go after what we want??

Is FEAR the clarifying factor here?

What if, if only what if, we could all be doing what we are meant to do, what our true purpose and calling is, what we are truly passionate about, what makes us happy and creative and satisfied and fulfilled.

Can you come up with another reason why the heart attack occurs to majority of people just on Mondays? Why could that be?

There are some people who live only for the weekend and somehow in some way the first 5 days of the week are getting lost along the way. That is not the way to live our lives. We are meant to enjoy every single each day. Weekends are here as much as the rest of the days of the week. No more and no less is to them or taken away from them.

It is what we make of it. Every single each day is special and never ever to be taken for granted. In each day we should be able to look and search and find the best in it, to list at least 5 things for which we are truly grateful for on that day… those little things that have made us stop and think, and ponder, and appreciate, and recapture, and think of, and enjoy, and truly feel and get connected with.

What can we do in order to make and to start the Monday’s Revolution ??

Could discovering our passion and calling help us along the way?

Could being more appreciative of little things help us along the way?

Could being more grateful in general help us along the way?

Could more giving in general help us along the way?

Could more loving in general help us along the way?

Could more working towards our personal development help us along the way?

Could creating a visual board help us along the way?

Could our soul connection in general help us along the way?

Could reconnecting to your inner voice and wisdom and spirit in general help you along the way?

Could being more positive and smiling and seeing the bright side of things in general help us along the way?

How important is it for you to wake up each day and every day with the spring in your step, happy and ready to go and run and conquer the world and make it easier for others and all those around you? How would you feel? How would that feel for you?

How bad do you really want it?

Would you fight in order to enquire it?

Would you not sleep in order to enquire it?

Would you go exploring in order to enquire it?

Would you go and opt for a new skill in order to enquire it?

Would you go and ask as many questions as possible in order to enquire it?

Would you go and study and learn and get a new ability in order to enquire it?

Would you go and use up all of your talents to your best abilities in order to enquire it?

What would THAT be / mean for you??

We spent a huge majority at work. It is therefore incredibly important that this work is playing a significant part of our lives and all those that depend on us, those that we come back to every single each day at the end of the day, the day we spent working at work. Let work works on us, and not we work for the work. The other way around it is not helping to anyone involved. The society would definitely be a better place if anyone of us would do just the work they are mean to do!!!

We do not have the luxury of giving up when people depend on us.

At the end of the day, you can either focus on what’s tearing you apart or what’s holding you together.

You see, ten years from now, you will surely arrive. The question is: Where? Who will you have become? How will you live? What will you contribute? Now is the time to design the next ten years of your life—not once they’re over.

(1026 words)

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