Sunday, 26 May 2013

If you fear your love has died, perhaps it is waiting to be transformed into something higher

If you fear your love has died, perhaps it is waiting to be transformed into something higher

·        Have you ever felt this way before?

·        What does that represent to us?

·        What does that mean to you?

·        What does that stand for?

·        How did it feel to you?


What a sweet song to our ears.

Love is universal.

All cultures speak the same language of love.

What you give out, comes back to you.


We all want it.

We all crave it.

We are all hungry for it.

We want to be loved in return.

We all are love.

We were born out of love.

It is our requirement.

It is our necessity.

It is our need.

It is a must!

We may not admit it to ourselves or to the society but all that is left of us at the end of the day is – love. Never the less, we must have it. And at best, we must have it here and now!!

However, how do we feel when it is not coming to us in all its full beauty and glory and a grace. When is seems as if it somehow got lost on its way to us, to its final destination. We are frustrated, we are not in our skin, we may hurt other people, we may say things that we may regret at the end of the day, or a week, or a month,…

How do we go about getting some, just some more, just a little more, please?

We are all here for a reason. The purpose of the life is to love, to give, to learn, to create, to be grateful, to be appreciative, to be thankful, to be of help, to be of service, to be of something to others, to teach, to give more of ourselves  to the world and to the others, to make ourselves better people.

At times when love it not coming, when we are not getting enough or for heaven’s sake we are getting none, nothing at all, nada, zero, zilch, we may feel a frustration, we may be depressed, we may feel discouraged, we may want to give up and call it quits, we may feel sad, we may feel upset, we may feel angry, we may feel at wits ends, we may feel alone and lonely, we may need a helping hand, we may crave a courage, we are in desperate need of hope, a bit of faith, our believes have been shattered, stepped upon, and no one seems to get us, to understand us, to help us in some way, to offer a helping hand, just a piece of advice, a listening ear, anything.

How we go about solving this situation is all that matters here. How we view it, how we talk about it, the way we feel about it, the way we use the words, the way we say them, that all plays a huge part in making a conscious and sensible decision that would reflect on our past experiences based on our very own perception of them.

The words we use are not an accident. Yes, we already know all the answers to any question ever posed to us. Deep down inside, all within us lay all the answers.

Our soul already knows.

Our heart already knows.

Our body already feels.

Our mind tries to comprehend.

What we make out of it?

How can we use this information in order to gain benefits for all involved?

What would be our reaction to it?

Are we going to let it make us better OR bitter?

How are we going to respond?

And perhaps most importantly, how can we do all this and more AND enjoy the process while having fun simultaneously?

When we realize that (sooner is better than later is!), the easier the ride would be for us, the quicker the fun emerges for us. The magic is on our way. More or less. Well, something like that, anyway! J

Needless to say, we still need to pull up our sleeves, get down on our 2 feet and get our fingers dirty. Like it or not. The job needs to be done.

So, you think there is no enough love to go around?

So, you think there is no love left for your poor soul?

So, you think there is no one to love you?

So, you think that you are not to be loved?

Well, here comes the good news: You are totally and absolutely WRONG!!

And stop THAT right NOT!!


…. There is enough love to go around.

…. There is much love left you’re your ‘poor’ soul.

…. There are many who are ready, who are starving, who are hungry, who are crying, who are craving to give you much, much more love that you could have ever imagined in your wildest dreams, that is!

…. You are loveable. PERIOD! Full Stop!

In case you are still wondering and could not help yourself but ponder… why, for the sake of your ‘poor’ soul, you still feel so empty deep down inside?

Did you ever question that for yourself?

Maybe, just maybe, you are not loving yourself enough.

And maybe, just maybe, you are not giving enough of your love away to others.

And maybe, just maybe, your ‘poor’ soul is trying to tell you something really, really and very important.

And maybe, just maybe, there is always the most darkness before the dawn.

And maybe, just maybe, you are just about to experience and see the light at the end of your tunnel…. Oh, I meant to type: your ‘poor’ soul.

And maybe, just maybe, you are being so loved right now, that you have been giving another chance, another lesson to learn, another chapter of your story to read up on.

And maybe, just maybe, your love is just waiting to be transformed into something higher.

And now maybe, just maybe, go out and think about this all!!

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ~ Rumi

(1016 words)

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