Friday, 31 May 2013

I accept you as a person but I just don’t yet agree with the things you do

I accept you as a person but I just don’t yet agree with the things you do

I accept you as a person but I just don’t yet agree with the things you do….

We are social creatures. We look and search and strive for attention and love and admiration and consideration and patience and appreciation and time and sensitivity and understanding and listening ear and feeling of belonging and meeting all of our 6 human needs.

But I love simply myself more. In order to give more of myself, to be the best possible version of myself, I need to listen to my inner peace, inner wisdom, inner knowing, inner guidance…

What are the things, physical attributes, characteristic traits that you simply…

Do not like about someone who is close, near, dear and a loved one?

Dislike about someone who is close, near, dear and a loved one?

Hate about someone who is close, near, dear and a loved one?

Cannot stand at all about someone who is close, near, dear and a loved one?

Disapprove of someone who is close, near, dear and a loved one?

Dismiss of someone who is close, near, dear and a loved one?

Do not accept about someone who is close, near, dear and a loved one?

What boundaries has this person been pushing against?

What hot buttons has this person been pushing again and again and over and over?

What things have you been blaming this very person for?

Who decides on what is right and what is wrong?

Where would you go to look for the answers?

Where would you go to search for the solutions?

How open minded are you?

Has it ever occurred to you that the people, the places, all the circumstance, all the encounters have been presented to you only for the main purpose of your own growing, of your learning the lesson, about teaching yourself about yourself, about enjoying the journey, about enjoying the ride while having fun all the way?

What disturbance in your life lately has been keeping you wide awake at night?

What person/who in your life lately has been keeping you wide awake at night?

What can you learn about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you do about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you say about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you think about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you assume about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you suppose about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you conclude about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you accept about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you teach about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you sum up about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you include about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you exclude about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you count on with about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you speak about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you write about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What can you tell about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

How long they can go until they have pushed beyond the boundaries of your patience?
How far would you let them go?

What exactly is it that you do not like about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What exactly is it that you dislike about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What exactly is it that you hate about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What exactly is it that you cannot stand about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What exactly is it that you dismiss about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What exactly is it that you disapprove of about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

What exactly is it that you do not accept about this very situation, about this very disturbance, about this very person?

It is necessary and very, very important to point out here that we are talking about and describing the behaviour, the actual act and not the person himself/herself.

We can still and always love this person, appreciate him/her, think very highly of him/her, have feelings for him/her, accept him/her, stand for him/her, adore him/her, admire him/her, understand him/her.

What is there that really triggers in you this negative feeling?

Can you still love this person even WITH this very flow in him/her?

Can you still appreciate this person even WITH this very flow in him/her?

Can you still think highly about this person even WITH this very flow in him/her?

Can you still have feelings for this person even WITH this very flow in him/her?

Can you still accept this person even WITH this very flow in him/her?

Can you still stand for this person even WITH this very flow in him/her?

Can you still adore this person even WITH this very flow in him/her?

Can you still admire this person even WITH this very flow in him/her?

Can you still understand this person even WITH this very flow in him/her?

Can there be a hidden message in all that for you to learn about?

Can there be a hidden meaning in all that for you to learn about, at all?

I bet there is!!

(1010 words)

Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Art of Giving & The Art of Receiving

The Art of Giving & The Art of Receiving

And it is an art as we truly and honestly have to learn how to enquire both in order to succeed!

The art of giving and the art of receiving are interwoven. You cannot have one without the other and vice versa.

If you are willing enough and happy enough to give all of yourself in a service to others, there must be someone on the other end who is willing enough and happy enough to receive your gifts.

If you are willing enough and happy enough to receive all of that has been giving to you as gifts, there must be someone on the other end who is willing enough and happy enough to give all of himself / herself in a service to yourself.

The art is something that requires time, something that requires patience, something that requires effort, something that requires sensitivity, something that requires daily on-going practice, something that requires your unique talent, something that requires your unique gifts with your name on them, something that requires daily on-going training, something that requires your attention, something that requires your attention to details, something that requires your keen eyes, something that requires your listening ears, something that requires your learning, something that requires your teaching, something  that requires your years and hard and tough studying, something that requires your hard work, something that requires your gentle fingers, something that requires your mind, something that requires your soul, something that requires your body, something that requires your heart, something that requires your brain, something that requires your energy, something that requires your gut feelings, something that requires your unique style, something that requires your unique personality, something that require your very own and unique brand, something that requires your very own and unique label, something that requires your emotions, something that requires your intuition, something that requires your instincts, something that requires reassurance, something that requires YOU in the first place, in all of your glory, in all of your vary abilities, in all of your characteristic traits, in all of your flaws, in all of your warts and all and everything!

The Art of Giving

What would you imagine under the label: ‘the art of giving’?

What would that represent to you?

What does that mean to you?

Would you include amongst other, the giving of your love, the giving of your time, the giving of your heart, the giving of your soul, the giving of your mind, the giving of your body, the giving of your personality, the giving of your talents, the giving of your gifts, the giving of your abilities, the giving of your attention, the giving of your effort, the giving of your tries, the giving of your willingness, the giving of your learning, the giving of your teaching, the giving of your study, the giving of your lessons learnt, the giving of your happiness, the giving of your sense of humour, the giving of your whole person?

The Art of Receiving

What would you imagine under the label: ‘the art of receiving’?

What would that represent to you?

What does that mean to you?

What would you be willing to receive in order to satisfy the giver and yourself all at the same time?

What would you be not willing to receive and still be able to satisfy the giver and yourself simultaneously?

What would be a no brainer for you to receive?

What would you be happily receiving on a daily basis if possible?

Is it possible to receive all the time, everything, anything?

Is it possible not to want to receive at any time, nothing, not even a thing?

We human beings are wired for giving and receiving. It is our natural instinct. We cannot give and not to receive in return. And vice versa, we cannot receive and not to be able to give back, give something away, in return.

We feel as though if someone has given us something, it could be anything, really, at all, we are meant, we are supposed to reciprocate. We must give back. It is as simple as that or as complicated as that. We feel we have an obligation toward the other person or else we would be in a negative state, we would be in under zero condition, we would be on owning level, we would have to simply make the contribution, the re-payment, the amendments, we may not even be able to go on.

Well, at least for the majority of people, the principle works out this way anyway.

How do you yourself feel when someone does or say something to your credit?

What feelings does that trigger in you?

Would those feeling be negative?

Would those feeling be positive?

Would you feel the obligation toward this person?

Would you go out of your style in order to satisfy the deep hunger to give, the deep craving to serve, the deep starving need to help, to do, to say, anything for that matter, within yourself?

What would you be willing to consider in order to show to this person, to make the other person think, that you really cared, that you really understood, that you were here right now and there and ready to serve, ready to be at his/her service, ready to be at her any whip, ready to listen for her/his every order?

Are you the master of the art of giving and the art of receiving?

Are you more of a giver?

Are you more of a receiver?

Have you been balancing both in order to live a deep and fulfilled and satisfied life?

What have you been recently giving away, giving away more of yourself in a service to others?

What have you been recently receiving back, receiving in return of your giving away more of yourself in a service to others?

This is the law.

This is the principle.

This is the life.

Have you been successful in this very significant and important area? J

(1010 words)

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Celebrate. A BIG TIME!! :-)

Celebrate. A BIG TIME!! J

Ø Are you looking for a reason to celebrate?

Ø Do you need one in order to celebrate, a big time?

Ø How would your celebration time look like?

Ø Who would you invite in?

Ø Who would help you to arrange everything, anything?

Ø How long would it last for?

Ø What accessories would you need?

Ø What chances would you take?

Are people getting you, really, at all?

Are people following you?

Do people understand you?

Do people know what you mean?

Do you feel ‘different’ from others?

Have you been following the crowd?

Are you the leader?

Are you the follower?

Do you feel as if you are an outsider?

Do you ‘fit in’, at all?

Are you ‘suited’ for this society, for this community?

Do you stand out of the crowd?

Do you ‘sense’ as if you somewhat do not ‘belong’ here?

Do you ‘feel’ as if you somehow are not ‘made’ for this century?

Do you ‘feel’ as if you somehow are not ‘made’ for this time?

Do you ‘feel’ as if you somehow are not ‘made’ for this place?

Do you ‘feel’ as if you somehow are not ‘made’ for this location?

Do you ‘feel’ as if you somehow are not ‘made’ for this country?

Do you ‘feel’ as if you somehow are not ‘made’ for this continent?

What makes you think like that?

Who makes you think this way?

Have you ever had those feelings of familiarity with era that had happened ages ago?

Do you associate yourself with movies, films, books, people and personalities, cars, clothes/clothing, accessories, vintage style, food, drinks, poems, poetry, a way of thinking, speaking, writing, making and creating music, a music in general, all genres, teaching, making things and enjoying them, having a banter with your mates, with your fellows, with your friends, capturing moments, cherishing those moments, siblings love and siblings rivalry, telling stories by the fire, family moments and laughs and smiles and cries and agonies and worries, etc. etc from sometime ago, from somewhere else?

How do you differentiate and distinguish between someone who is ‘there’ with you, who seems and actually IS on the ‘same wavelength’ as you, someone who really ‘gets’ you, someone who ‘listens’ when you speak, someone who practices a true listening ‘with’ you, someone who is authentic in himself/herself, someone who is true to himself/herself/others/you, someone who is comfortable with himself/herself, someone who is comfortable in his/her own skin, someone who is comfortable around others and you, someone who does not know a pretence, someone who does not pretend to be someone who he/she is not, someone who is not a ‘fake’!

How do you know this person?

How do you know about this person?

How do you know about finding this person?

Where do you look for this person?

How do you know about yourself?

How do you go about finding yourself?

How do you go about creating yourself?

What do you actually do when you feel the way you feel??

Do you subscribe to any group of that sort?

Do you subscribe to anything at all?

How do you react when you feel somehow isolated from the outside world and living your own and separate world of your own?

Is there such a world?

Are you the private owner of this unique place?

Are you the private owner of this unique world you call your own?

Do you go there often?

Is this your hiding place?

Is this your sacred place?

Is this your place of escape?

Is this your place of refuge?

Is this your secret place?

Is this your secret garden?

Is this your home for thoughts?

Is this your home away from home?

Is this your ‘everything’?

Would you rather follow the crowd?

Would you prefer being as the others?

Would you rather be the second best?

Would you prefer not to have your very own voice?

Would you rather not to sing your very own song?

Would you prefer not to be counted in, anywhere, at all?

Would you rather remain silent?

Would you prefer not to be included, anywhere, at all?

Would you rather be your own boss?

Would you prefer to be bossed around?

Would you rather speak up your own mind?

Would you prefer to be listening to others’ orders and instructions?

Would you rather be playing solo?

Would you prefer be playing together with others?

Would you rather show other how to create, how to make, how to do things?

Would you prefer to be showed by others how to create, how to make, how to do things?

Would you rather be told what to do, at all?

Would you prefer tell others what needs to be done?

Admit to yourself: Yes, I am different and it feels absolutely FANTASTIC to me!!

I do not compare myself to anyone but to my yesterday’s version of myself!

I owe it to myself first so that I could give more away of myself in service to others.

I would always celebrate all of my variability, all of my differentiations, all of my quirkiness, all of that that does not fit, and does not suit to the society I am currently living in.

I would celebrate all of my craziness and boldness and strength and brevity, and curiosity and courageous, and vitality and stamina, and smarts and beauty and loveliest attitude and my unique character traits, my independence, my sense of humour and sense of creativity and a never give up approach to life and to everything. My passion about the people and the compassion I have toward them!

You can do the same. The invitation is awaiting your response…. J

“Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you don’t fit in, then you are probably doing the right thing!!

 (1006 words)

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Advice in 5 Words or Less

Advice in 5 Words or Less

  1. Define realistic goals.
  2. Start now.
  3. Plan, but not too much.
  4. Do important things first.
  5. One thing at a time.
  6. Break complex goals into tasks.
  7. Disconnect yourself from distractions.
  8. Love what you do.
  9. Learn from your failures.
  10. Celebrate your successes.
  11. Be early.
  12. Handle small tasks immediately.
  13. Batch process similar tasks.
  14. Manage your time.
  15. Use a planner.
  16. Take notes.
  17. Focus more on less.
  18. Find and follow efficient patterns.
  19. Learn productive shortcuts.
  20. Tomorrow is today’s result.
  21. Organize your space.
  22. Clear clutter.
  23. Be productive while you wait.
  24. Automate tasks and reminders.
  25. Read the manual.
  26. Learn from others.
  27. Teach others to help you.
  28. Delegate.
  29. Allocate and maximize your resources.
  30. Use the right tools.
  31. Work on goals every day.
  32. Keep it fun.
  33. Establish and maintain strong relationships.
  34. Spend time with your family.
  35. Take care of your health.
  36. Get enough sleep.
  37. Delete the unnecessary.
  38. Trust your gut instincts.
  39. Face your fears.
  40. Solve problems.
  41. Make your own decisions.
  42. Take your own advice.
  43. Try something new.
  44. Follow your values.
  45. Learn to say, “No.”
  46. Spend minutes to save hours.
  47. Validate your assumptions.
  48. Follow and speak the truth.
  49. Never cheat.
  50. Never give up on yourself.
  51. Small steps add up fast.
  52. Be meaningful.
  53. Ask questions.
  54. Identify and strengthen your weaknesses.
  55. Over-deliver on your promises.
  56. Adapt to change.
  57. Pay it forward.
  58. Stay flexible.
  59. Be open to new ideas.
  60. Challenge yourself.
  61. Be positive.
  62. Disregard negative people.
  63. Live below your means.
  64. Listen more, speak less.
  65. Think.
  66. Continuously educate yourself.
  67. Lead by example.
  68. Always do your best.
  69. Don’t settle.
  70. Communicate clearly.
  71. Treat everyone with respect.
  72. Act when opportunities arise.
  73. Quality over quantity.
  74. Do the hard stuff first.
  75. Set deadlines.
  76. Reflect on your progress.
  77. Keep track of important milestones.
  78. Follow the 80-20 rule.
  79. Urgent is not always important.
  80. Done is better than perfect.
  81. Learn skills few people know.
  82. Provide tangible value.
  83. Time trumps money.
  84. Be yourself.
  85. Find people with similar goals.
  86. Reuse and recycle what works.
  87. Patience is a virtue.
  88. Ask yourself: “Why do this?”
  89. Don’t worry about the uncontrollable.
  90. Your thoughts create your reality.
  91. Complaining just wastes time.
  92. Excel at what you do.
  93. Slow and steady.
  94. Be here now.
  95. Perform tasks with multiple positives.
  96. View things from different angles.
  97. Use your imagination.
  98. Visualize your success.
  99. Smile.
  100. Keep it simple.
  101. Finish what you start.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Audrey Hepburn and Mother Theresa

Audrey Hepburn and Mother Theresa

Mother Teresa

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu (Albanian: [aˈɲɛs ˈɡɔɲdʒa bɔjaˈdʒiu]) and commonly known as Mother Teresa (26 August 1910 – 5 September 1997), was an ethnic Albanian, Indian Roman Catholic nun.
Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic religious congregation, which in 2012 consisted of over 4,500 sisters and is active in 133 countries. They run hospices and homes for people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis; soup kitchens; children's and family counseling programmes; orphanages; and schools. Members of the order must adhere to the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, and the fourth vow, to give "Wholehearted and Free service to the poorest of the poor".
She was the recipient of numerous honours including the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. In late 2003, she was beatified, the third step toward possible sainthood, giving her the title "Blessed Teresa of Calcutta". A second miracle credited to Mother Teresa is required before she can be recognised as a saint by the Catholic Church.She was admired by many; in 1999, a poll of Americans ranked her first in Gallup's List of Most Widely Admired People of the 20th Century. However, she has also been accused of failing to provide medical care or painkillers, misusing charitable money, and maintaining positive relationships with dictators.

Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn (born Audrey Kathleen Ruston; 4 May 1929 – 20 January 1993) was a British actress and humanitarian. Recognised as both a film and fashion icon, Hepburn was active during Hollywood's Golden Age. She has since been ranked as the third greatest female screen legend in the history of American cinema and been placed in the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame.
Born in Ixelles, a district of Brussels, Hepburn spent her childhood between Belgium, England and the Netherlands, including German-occupied Arnhem during the Second World War. In Amsterdam, she studied ballet with Sonia Gaskell before moving to London in 1948 to continue ballet training with Marie Rambert and perform as a chorus girl in West End musical theatre productions.
After appearing in several British films and starring in the 1951 Broadway play Gigi, Hepburn played the Academy Award-winning lead role in Roman Holiday (1953). Later performing in successful films like Sabrina (1954), The Nun's Story (1959), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), Charade (1963), My Fair Lady (1964) and Wait Until Dark (1967), Hepburn received Academy Award, Golden Globe and BAFTA nominations and accrued a Tony Award for her theatrical performance in the 1954 Broadway play Ondine. Hepburn remains one of few people who have won Academy, Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Awards.
She appeared in fewer films as her life went on, devoting much of her later life to UNICEF. Although contributing to the organisation since 1954, she worked in some of the most profoundly disadvantaged communities of Africa, South America and Asia between 1988 and 1992. She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in late 1992. A month later, Hepburn died of appendiceal cancer at her home in Switzerland in early 1993 at the age of 63.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

If you fear your love has died, perhaps it is waiting to be transformed into something higher

If you fear your love has died, perhaps it is waiting to be transformed into something higher

·        Have you ever felt this way before?

·        What does that represent to us?

·        What does that mean to you?

·        What does that stand for?

·        How did it feel to you?


What a sweet song to our ears.

Love is universal.

All cultures speak the same language of love.

What you give out, comes back to you.


We all want it.

We all crave it.

We are all hungry for it.

We want to be loved in return.

We all are love.

We were born out of love.

It is our requirement.

It is our necessity.

It is our need.

It is a must!

We may not admit it to ourselves or to the society but all that is left of us at the end of the day is – love. Never the less, we must have it. And at best, we must have it here and now!!

However, how do we feel when it is not coming to us in all its full beauty and glory and a grace. When is seems as if it somehow got lost on its way to us, to its final destination. We are frustrated, we are not in our skin, we may hurt other people, we may say things that we may regret at the end of the day, or a week, or a month,…

How do we go about getting some, just some more, just a little more, please?

We are all here for a reason. The purpose of the life is to love, to give, to learn, to create, to be grateful, to be appreciative, to be thankful, to be of help, to be of service, to be of something to others, to teach, to give more of ourselves  to the world and to the others, to make ourselves better people.

At times when love it not coming, when we are not getting enough or for heaven’s sake we are getting none, nothing at all, nada, zero, zilch, we may feel a frustration, we may be depressed, we may feel discouraged, we may want to give up and call it quits, we may feel sad, we may feel upset, we may feel angry, we may feel at wits ends, we may feel alone and lonely, we may need a helping hand, we may crave a courage, we are in desperate need of hope, a bit of faith, our believes have been shattered, stepped upon, and no one seems to get us, to understand us, to help us in some way, to offer a helping hand, just a piece of advice, a listening ear, anything.

How we go about solving this situation is all that matters here. How we view it, how we talk about it, the way we feel about it, the way we use the words, the way we say them, that all plays a huge part in making a conscious and sensible decision that would reflect on our past experiences based on our very own perception of them.

The words we use are not an accident. Yes, we already know all the answers to any question ever posed to us. Deep down inside, all within us lay all the answers.

Our soul already knows.

Our heart already knows.

Our body already feels.

Our mind tries to comprehend.

What we make out of it?

How can we use this information in order to gain benefits for all involved?

What would be our reaction to it?

Are we going to let it make us better OR bitter?

How are we going to respond?

And perhaps most importantly, how can we do all this and more AND enjoy the process while having fun simultaneously?

When we realize that (sooner is better than later is!), the easier the ride would be for us, the quicker the fun emerges for us. The magic is on our way. More or less. Well, something like that, anyway! J

Needless to say, we still need to pull up our sleeves, get down on our 2 feet and get our fingers dirty. Like it or not. The job needs to be done.

So, you think there is no enough love to go around?

So, you think there is no love left for your poor soul?

So, you think there is no one to love you?

So, you think that you are not to be loved?

Well, here comes the good news: You are totally and absolutely WRONG!!

And stop THAT right NOT!!


…. There is enough love to go around.

…. There is much love left you’re your ‘poor’ soul.

…. There are many who are ready, who are starving, who are hungry, who are crying, who are craving to give you much, much more love that you could have ever imagined in your wildest dreams, that is!

…. You are loveable. PERIOD! Full Stop!

In case you are still wondering and could not help yourself but ponder… why, for the sake of your ‘poor’ soul, you still feel so empty deep down inside?

Did you ever question that for yourself?

Maybe, just maybe, you are not loving yourself enough.

And maybe, just maybe, you are not giving enough of your love away to others.

And maybe, just maybe, your ‘poor’ soul is trying to tell you something really, really and very important.

And maybe, just maybe, there is always the most darkness before the dawn.

And maybe, just maybe, you are just about to experience and see the light at the end of your tunnel…. Oh, I meant to type: your ‘poor’ soul.

And maybe, just maybe, you are being so loved right now, that you have been giving another chance, another lesson to learn, another chapter of your story to read up on.

And maybe, just maybe, your love is just waiting to be transformed into something higher.

And now maybe, just maybe, go out and think about this all!!

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ~ Rumi

(1016 words)