Monday, 4 March 2013

As good as it gets!!! :-)

As good as it gets!!! J

·        Is complaining of any use to anyone? In any way?

·        Is there a way out of it?

·        Are we determined enough?

·        Are we committed enough?

·        Are we willing enough?

·        Do we know what to do in this situation, or any situation for that matter?

·        Are we curious enough?

·        Are we teachable?

·        Is there something, anything to regret? What is that? Why is that?

I have recently learned a lesson from life itself as if they are in some other zillion and even more zillion instances.

Everything that has ever happened to us had happened for a reason.

That being said, that reason is always for our very good.

I have taken a little time off from blogging in order to ‘get myself back in the zone’, adjust to any circumstances reappearing in my life lately time and time again and hopefully share some insights from my learning here with you. So, I am Returning back to my regular pregnancy of articles and posts and ideas and my personal blogging of my own life journey.

Yes, life is really beautiful and unpredictable. And in a case that something did not happen – well it was not meant to happen in the first place. As simple and as plain as that! J Sounds good?

That would be just about it. That is its sole purpose. Pretty much sums it all in a few words.

This blog post of mine must (MUST!) take a big turnaround, a big, huge SHIFT of gears.

I have been connecting with many people recently who have been making a huge impact on me, in many ways. Lots of those folks are very creative creatures indeed! Connecting that is happening in very profound, deep, soul based, amazing ways.

So many times we fight the existing reality, instead of rejoicing in it and embracing it. Is it Hard or Simple as it may sound to you, to me, to everyone, to anyone out there in the world of ours or what?!?

What can we do to improve ourselves, to improve and to make better the situation we find ourselves in, the community we serve, the world we live in?

What can we learn from every encounter we get involved in, from every situation, every circumstance, every person, every meeting, every song, every article, every picture, ANY smile, every taste, every smell, every hug, any story?

How to go about defining and initiating and resolving this challenge?

Is the domino effect and / or the butterfly effect in action here?

Are we going to accept it or fight against it?

Because in reality like it or not IT IS AS GOOD AS IT GETS…………………………….


What do YOU think ??

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