Thursday, 24 January 2013

"Love - The joy of winning compared with the agony of defeat"

"Love - The joy of winning compared with the agony of defeat"

Love not only means love between persons, it also includes the love of life and living life. It is about winning and losing love in the struggle of life with all things, relationships, work, school, sport, friends.

Recently I have asked a friend of mine I encountered to challenge me and pick a topic for me to write about. And my new friend was willing and kind enough to oblige! J The above paragraph is what he came up with and I took the bull by the horns and jumped on the wagon and begin my writing and typing away…..

Here is what my solution to his posing question/statement sounds like:


Love is the greatest power ever known to men. Right next to the gratitude and being grateful and appreciative.

Love, feeling love, being in love, appreciation, compassion, affection and adoration and passion (notice: I am NOT speaking of ‘falling in love’ which is a subject to further discussion later on) is a powerful emotional state and a feeling. It is actually so powerful that one can turn into a genius under certain circumstances and conditions.

It is also mysterious in its very own profound way in relation to brain chemicals which I am not going to be describing here, though.

My friend strictly stressed and pointed out to me that what he meant was not talking ‘only’ about the love that blossoms between lovers, etc. but also love that reaches out as far as to loving & living an enjoyable life, to ‘things’ such as: work situation, school arrangement / education / learning / studying, sport / fitness activities, friends and other relationships.

It IS a broad subject in itself and surely worth diving deep down into! J

Although I myself am still on one of those journeys of mine, I am bold and brave enough to do just that, too!!

In terms of love, the kind that 2 persons feel toward one another, or a mother feels towards her baby, a father toward his son/daughter, parents toward each other, grandparents, neighbours, co-workers, colleges, teacher – student relationship, athlete – coach, friends and vice versa, etc. etc., we should be meaning ‘an unconditional love’.

It is a great feeling to have succeeded in this very important part of every person’s life, of course. Oh, what a sweet melody that is!! J

However, the real and raw learning and growing begins when it is not working as we would prefer it to have! And right here it is where I would love for you to pay an attention!! 100% attention, that is! 

It is what we are becoming and who we are when and while things fall apart, when relationships do not work, when we feel lonely, when we are alone in our own misery, there is no one to give a hug to and be hugged in return, no one really to touch, feel, cry our heart out to, no one to be our listening ear, the shoulder to lean on, … ! 

Then, and only at those times, by examining our life, by working on ourselves, we have been shaping ourselves into better human beings and the organic & pure appreciation of love (when none is present at the moment!) occurs. We are being grateful of every single little simple thing that is being thrown in on our path through the journey called Life.

By Giving and Receiving Love, by Becoming Grateful we – us – at the same time are fulfilling our purpose and that is the main reason – WHY WE ARE HERE….

So, yes, love in its very best beauty is nice. No, not nice. Actually, It is a wonderful, amazing, breath-taking, mind-blowing, magnificent, spec-ta-cu-lar, awesome, great,…  experience.

Nevertheless, I, myself, would not, personally, rule out the ‘shadowy’ parts of love out of question just yet! Why not?, you ask? Well, that is easy – by experiencing the hard bits, the challenging, the difficult and the tougher ones ….

…. You are becoming a best version of yourself (as humanly possible!) => you are influencing people around you that surround you => a whole planet benefits at the end, eventually, also! J

Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.

Makes sense? Good!

We are growing from every aspect and in every way (every day!): mentally, physically, spiritually…

What not a better / useful reason but that one?

What not a better task to be called for to do and fulfil?

What not a better reason to wake up every single each day and go after it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN  if need to be !!

It can be applied to anything, from any type / kind of relationships to practically every part of your life.

You name it! It has its own price tag!

Every act of kindness on your part is a boost to your own immune system.

Everyone is a mirror of you. What do you see in the reflection?

To close it, I would like to end on a less (!?) significant note:

Being comfortable not knowing everything is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. We'll never know everything and we don't have to! Ah, what a relief! Learning to be open to all the possibilities that life has to offer us takes practice. Often, we couldn't have even dreamed up the blessings that we deserve. In order to receive them, we must be fully willing and open to surrender our expectations. Sometimes we don't even know that we're closed off.  It can be as simple as getting stuck in a rut.  

When this feeling happens, we have to shift gears and try something new. With newness comes change, and often inspiration and guidance to our truest and most meaningful path. A visual representation of this that I like is to remove the fences (or sometimes massive stone walls) that have been built up around our minds. The walls come in the form of expectations, silly excuses and judgement. Let those walls crumble! Be open to WONDER.  

So, what do you think now?

What is your take on?

It is what you make of it!

Let us start a love revolution (sort of) by loving each and every one of us …………………

“You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.” --Tom Wilson 

Thank you!!

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