Sunday, 27 January 2013

COMFORT ZONE (and You!) – Let’s get this one straight :-)

COMFORT ZONE (and You!) – Let’s get this one straight J

Stepping out of the comfort zone.

Your comfort zone.

The meaning and the purpose behind some events are unknowable. This is the ultimate test of our faith. We must trust that everyone in life is here to learn different lessons at different times, that good and bad experiences are only the perceptions of man. After all, some of your worst experiences have truly been your best. They’ve sculpted you, trained you, developed within you a sensitivity and set you in a direction that reaches out to impact your ultimate destiny.

When people ask how long does it take for something to manifest : It takes as long as it takes you to release the resistance. Could be 30 years, could be 40 years, could be 50 years, could be a week. Could be tomorrow afternoon.

What does the expression really mean and stand for?

Getting outside of your comfort zone is stepping out from the place where it feels familiar, easy, comfortable, non-much-demanding, safe, fearless, steady,  possibly calm, quiet, peaceful, not much happenig there, ordinary things doing / done daily, rut race, stereotype, playing, usual occasions and circumstances, rituals, waiting, non-active, sunshine, automatic stuff daily going on, routine, etc.

Beyond your comfort zone is unfamiliarity, newness, perhaps difficulties (oh yes!), it means being uncomfortable, discomfort, working, it is demanding of our abilities, skills, time, effort, willingness, attention seeking, fear factor may be involved, unpredictability, storm, extraordinary things happening there, clouds,  unusual occasions and circumstances, actions, etc.

Stepping out of where it feels safe, and constantly doing so, being there and staying and remaining there, getting there on a regular basis is the way to your grow. Your learning begins when you leave familiarity and step into the place where you have never been before, never done things the same way before, meeting and talking to unfamiliar people, going to unusual places, meetings, etc.

It is then and only then when you stretch as a person in every way possible imaginable and non – imaginable. You learn the most and the best when situations, people, circumstances, the places you encounter are out of ordinary, unpredictable and not planned in your diary.

ü Try to use a different route that you usually take / use to and from your work / school on the way there…

ü Try to eat a different kind of food…

ü Try to meet and talk to different sort of folks… J

ü Try to listen to different style of music…

ü Try to wear different pieces of garment today…

ü Try to brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand…

ü Try learning / speaking / studying foreign language…

ü Try different forms of exercise…

ü Try to read books that you would normally not consider reading…

ü Try to go to different sporting events, music gigs you would not otherwise go to…

ü Try to attend seminars, conferences you would not even think of attending…

ü Try sitting at different places at the table…

ü Try to challenge yourself on a daily basis – try to do things that scare you a little every day…

And NOW go and DO IT !!! J


  1. You didn't give any credit to the author of these words.

    "When people ask us how long does it take for something to manifest, we say, It takes as long as it takes you to release the RESISTANCE. Could be 30 years, could be 40 years, could be 50 years, could be a week. Could be tomorrow afternoon." -Abraham-Hicks

    1. Thank you very much for your comment. Much, much appreciated!!!
