Wednesday, 9 January 2013



Have you heard of the expression: ‘A carrot and a stick’ before?

Well, you are in luck then! Learn about it more right below…..

Carrot and Stick Approach (also "carrot or stick approach") is an idiom that refers to a policy of offering a combination of rewards and punishment to induce behaviour. It is named in reference to a cart driver dangling a carrot in front of a mule and holding a stick behind it. The mule would move towards the carrot because it wants the reward of food, while also moving away from the stick behind it, since it does not want the punishment of pain, thus drawing the cart.

Supported by the fact that the mule cannot move away from the stick, and that using a carrot and a stick simultaneously is redundant, some claim that this usage of phrase is erroneous, and that it in fact comes from the figure of a carrot on a stick. In this case, the driver would tie a carrot on a string to a long stick and dangle it in front of the donkey, just out of its reach. As the donkey moved forward to get the carrot, it pulled the cart and the driver so that the carrot would always remain out of reach.

Some people need an inspiration, a person, a picture, a piece of music, art, a portrait, maybe even a certain kind of food, or a smell, a reminder, an experience to bring them back to more creative and productive state. That is nice and good for you, so it is – a carrot!

Then, there are people who need a stick! Big, fat and very, very hard stick for.... ah well,... you know what! So when you actually tell them, give them a deadline, that this or that MUST be finished by the certain date - then guess what happens? They may leave it to the very last minute, go partying and drinking all night long but still turn in and on time with the assignment in hand and perfectly done and finished. 

What works for you??

Thank you for your time reading my blog post!! J

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