Thursday, 6 December 2012

Only ONE (1) year to live…?!?!

Only ONE (1) year to live…?!?!

What would you do if you knew you had only 1 more year to live?

A tough question but it is definitely worth thinking over!!

Ø  Would you stop working?

Ø  Would you suddenly stop worrying?

Ø  Would you quit your job?

Ø  Would you be nicer, more loving, more giving?

Ø  Would you smile more?

Ø  Would you go world travelling?

Ø  Would you eat more OR less?

Ø  Would you talk less?

Ø  Would you listen more?

Ø  Would you stop OR start exercising?

Ø  Would you call someone?

Ø  Would you try to finish ‘unfinished’ business?

Ø  Would you go sleeping?

Ø  Would you begin saying sorry more?

Ø  Would you finally be GRATEFUL for what you already have?

Ø  Would you enjoy yourself more?

Ø  Would you get down on your knees and play with children and let them be leaders?

Ø  Would you stop arguing?

Ø  Would you laugh out loud?

Ø  Would you forgive someone?

Ø  Would you forgive yourself?

Ø  Would you forget little, petty, small, tiny, wee things?

Ø  Would you sell something?

Ø  Would you buy more of what you think you need and/or want?

Ø  Would you cry and weep?

Ø  Would you sing, dance, shake and move?

Ø  Would you start going after your goals and dreams?

Ø  Would you stop fighting petty, silly nonsense, stuff?

Ø  Would you have ANY regrets?

Ø  Would you feel a need to say: ‘I LOVE YOU!’?

Ø  Would you give up smoking OR do the opposite?

Ø  Would you stay calm, cool, collected and serene, content?

Ø  Would you… ?

What would YOU do???

Really. Be honest with yourself here. Imagine you do not have 50, 40, 30, 20 years to live, not even 15 or 10. Not to mention 5 years, not 3 and forget about 2. All you have got on your plate is 1 year. Yep! That is it! No more, no less. Just 1. ONE more year. Only 1! Nothing is going to be added to it. Not a month, not a week nor a day! Yes, that kind of pressure can be a really great push for us to move forward in our lives and in helping make our decisions.

Make the most of it.

Make the best of it.

Show it! Prove it! Act it! Make it happen! Shout it! Scream it! Work it & Make it! Do it! Build it! 

Again: What would YOU do??? :-)

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