Saturday, 15 December 2012

ONE Step at a Time

ONE Step at a Time

Do you have a lot on your plate?

Not ever enough time to achieve everything you wished to/planned to/wanted to?

How are you coping on with it?

In need of some assistance?

How do you go about managing it all??

We may be and feel tired and exhausted by the task at hand.

How do you eat an elephant??
One bite at the time, that is!!

The same applies pretty much on anything you can think of!

The point in tackling off your 'to do list' is to break it down into more manageable, realistic steps that would make the process of conquering them easy and achievable.

There has never ever been written anything that says we will succeed at the first take/shot.

Sometimes it is a number game – the more we do, the more actions we take, the closer we are to our miracles.

I have once heard that the journey through the live is like a game of chess. We take one step, another step it taken in our favour/for our good! Meet me half way – more or less J

We learn from every experience, from every encounter. Nothing is wasted, nothing is a mistake. We gain every time only willing to see so.

Let us take…

One day at the time

One friend at the time

One fish at the time

One moment at the time

One task at the time

One journey at the time

One book at the time

One healthy meal at the time

One smile at the time

One helping hand at the time

One song at the time

One great exercise at the time

One drink (water) at the time

One swim at the time

One drive at the time

One poem at the time

One bike ride at the time

One prayer at the time

One shower at the time

One jog at the time

One sunrise at the time

One sunset at the time

One tide at the time

One run at the time

One baby at the time

One job at the time

One kiss at the time

One parent at the time

One child at the time

One starfish at the time

One mistake at the time

One hug at the time, etc. etc.

It all adds up and stacks up on top of each other, it works similarly like a compound interest on your investment.

One foot in front of the other.

Step out and find out!

All the Best

And let us know what steps you have been taking. Thank  you!

Blog again tomorrow!

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