Tuesday, 6 November 2012

IT IS NOT WHAT YOU ACHIEVE IN YOUR LIFE, IT IS ALL ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE BECOME (while you were going after it and achieving it)!!

IT IS NOT WHAT YOU ACHIEVE IN YOUR LIFE, IT IS ALL ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE BECOME (while you were going after it and achieving it)!!

Are you a high achiever?

Do you have your goals all written down?

Or are you asking: what goals am I talking about??

Are you going with the flow?

Are you a procrastinator?

·         We all want to be successful, prosperous, happy, healthy & wealthy & wise (if not already!), surrounded by loving family, children, friends. No one wants to be a failure (if there ever was such a thing!) That is a human nature, it is already embedded in us, it is our soul, inner wisdom, instinct. That is our human need. That is our basic need. Every one has it. No matter who you are!

·         However there could be several routes to how to go about achieving that sensation of freedom, that feeling of success, that liberation of our own.

·         Now, please, do not get me wrong. I am all about goal setting. Writing your goals down on a paper (been there, done that!). I am a big fan of knowing WHAT YOU WANT!!

·         Pressure is how diamonds are made!! We need a momentum. We are supposed to be growing, learning, advancing - daily.

·         Carrot & Stick approach/strategy that refers to a policy of offering a combination of promised rewards and punishment (threatened penalty) has surely its advantages.

·         We, as human beings (not human doings!), are here for a purpose. We all have a task to do here that we need to search for, look for, find it and fulfil it.

·         Retirement/Stagnation is not an option here! J So you may as well forget it!! J

·         The point I have been drawing up here is the following: We are supposed to become the best possible version of ourselves. The greatest individuals at the best, to say the least!

·         Are we becoming more loving, generous, helping and helpful, more giving, and happier, more fulfilled, more satisfied. Or is the opposite closer to the truth? Where do you stand?

·         The reason I am asking, the point I am making and stressing is THAT DECISION WILL MAKE OR BREAK OUR LIFE!! It is what the life’s journey is made of and make up!! J

I believe we are on the right path…

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