Friday, 30 November 2012



We teach the best that we ourselves must learn the most!!

We are the warriors on our journey called LIFE.

There is a theory, called Butterfly Effect, which is based on the idea, used in chaos theory, that a very small difference in the initial state of a physical system can make a significant difference to the state at some later time.

From the theory that a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world might ultimately cause a hurricane in another part of the world.

Sowing a Seed in Your Time of Need
Tell People What They Can Become

The way to get what you want is by giving away what you need!!

Every action you take has a consequence. The outcome. The result. Whatever minor or major ones.


Every step we take leads us somewhere. We can take the train or we can walk. We can have/take another bite now or we can postpone it for a little later. We can say YES or we can say NO. You can go or you can stay. You can tell the truth or you can … (you know what?!). You can love or you can hate/envy. You can go on a date or you can stay at home. You can be happy or you can be sad. You can get some help or you can all do it on your own yourself. You can kiss or you can blow them a kiss goodbye! You can go and fast asleep or you can continue on working. You can give or you can take. You can smile or you can frown. You can laugh or you can cry. You can make babies or you can adopt them. You can pull or you can push. We can go out and exercise or we can have a little lie down in front of the TV set. We can eat or we can fast. We can cook or we can go raw.

There are endless options/routes for us to choose from. Literally. Pick wisely. Guide and guard your thoughts.

Be open to all possibilities and be flexible in your approaches.


And Love.

And Give.

And Breathe.

Be Grateful.

And Smile.

Be Happy Now.


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