Saturday, 7 July 2012



Have you heard of that statement above before? Are you realizing the meaning of it?  It even comes right from the Bible. The parable about talents. If you do not use what has been given to you, it will be taken away from you.

Recommendation: Definitely check it out!

If you do not use it, you will lose it. And that applies to anything from doing exercise, having wonderful relationships, being fulfilled and satisfied at your work, learning and understanding your children (if you have any) to healthy eating, managing your finances, your views on spirituality, etc. etc..

And all that requires energy. Your energy.

Okay, point taken?

You must work at it (not on it!) EVERY DAY! Yes, I wrote: You MUST and EVERY DAY.

You desire a better looking body – what are you doing to achieve it? Are you exercising a several times a week? Are you brisk walking, swimming, doing yoga, joining in zumba, going to a gym, jogging, doing a marathon? Are you taking steps daily to look and feel like a ‘’million buck’’?!? Are you eating healthily, daily OR from time to time? Are you making sensible choices about what goes in your mouth? Are you conscious about the mind-body connection?

You desire  a closer relationship with your significant other, lover, your children, friend, sister/brother, mother/father, in-laws – are you telling and communicating to the people you care about most daily what they mean to you, how much you care for them and love them, how much you appreciate their presence in your life?? Connect with someone, anyone, NOW. Do it! I will wait here for you…

You desire to have found a career, vocation, niche, calling that is just the right match for you; the one you were made for – are you using your special, unique talents and abilities daily to improve yourself in your current job? You have unlimited potential. You are here for a reason. You have something to offer. You are the only person exactly like you on the planet. Are you being creative and do you use your entrepreneurial skills to upgrade and be better and even of a better use to people around you? Are you adding value to your community? And again – are you doing it daily?

You desire to finally become financially independent and debt free – are you saving, investing, making a daily contribution to your retirement? Are you giving away 10% of your income/time to needy, vulnerable, less fortunate ones of our society? Are you reading/studying daily something, anything about the finances??

How about spirituality – do you believe in something that is way bigger than you? It is not an accident that you landed on this blog and are nearly reaching the end of it. Are you taking and spending daily some ‘’me time’’, just with yourself? Do you actually know what that ‘’me time’’ exactly it? Never heard of that? Well, here is 1 piece of good news for you: you can count reading this blog as your free time. Here you are, it is yours. Enjoy it & savour it. Today is the only day you have on your hands.

Are you doing all those (and more!) daily?

If not, why not?

If not now, when?

The one you will ever spent the most time with is YOU. The most precious (and useful) time you will ever spent learning about someone will be the one you spent on yourself. Make it worthwhile.

You only got THIS MOMENT. Tomorrow may never come. Use Your NOW WISELY !!!

Please, comment, & leave a feedback. Pretty appreciated!

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