Sunday, 28 April 2019

My Mate from Heaven.

My Mate from Heaven.

Is happy, smiling, laughing, GSOH.
Is fun, playful, humorous.
Is active.
Is passionate, sexy, handsome, attractive, good looking, hot, beautiful eyes.
There is a great sense of chemistry between us.
Is attractive but he's not ego-driven by how he looks.
Is successful, passion/mission driven, life goals, career oriented.
Loves his family, friends, loves children.
Is generous, open-hearted, sensitive, supportive.
Is curious, spontaneous, adventurous, courageous, open-minded, creative.
Is strong, and has a self-esteem.
Has an integrity of his own, honorable, self-reliant, honest.
Is smart, intelligent, money-wise, healthy eating habits-wise.
Keeps up with me.
Is compatible.
Gives people the benefit of a doubt.
Likes reading.
Is loving, kind, caring, compassionate, loyal, affectionate, monogamous.
Has a spirit.
Is encouraging.
Is empowering.
Is mine.

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

You + me.

You + me.

A message along the lines that 'this waiting is insane, it is slowly killing me and I am beginning to get tired of this (and you must be too). That I am a healthy, 36 years old woman who wants and needs to fall asleep and wake up next to you every day and feel safe at night. I really DO need lots of touches and cuddles, snuggles, hugs and kisses, lots of love and caring. I want you to make love to me, now and often, your hands all over me and fall pregnant together. You wake up in the morning, full of adrenaline and testosterone, ready to solve all world's problems, but I function differently. I need a plenty of tender, loving care. I don't want to waste any of my eggs any more by waiting, etc., just as much as you want to provide for 'our' family, that much I want my eggs to get to work or as much as you want to make our house safe, that much I want to make our house a home and warm haven to come back to' and something like that...

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Growing each and every day by learning.

Growing each and every day by learning.

If we are open enough, we can learn.
If we are willing enough, we can grow daily.
If we are open-minded enough, we can see beyond the whole picture.
If we are open enough, we can admit to not knowing everything.
If we are open enough, we can admit to still learning.
If we are smart enough, we can admit to still have more and more questions.
If we are intelligent enough, we can learn from our mistakes.
If we are smart enough, we can learn from the mistakes of others.
If we are intelligent enough, we can avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.
If we are smart enough, we can talk less and listen more.
If we are smart enough, we can learn every day by understanding the world around us.
If we are intelligent enough, we can observe the people around us and try to understand their ways of thinking.
If we are smart enough, we can always find ways how to improve ourselves even more.
If we are smart enough, we can invent more ways how to become a better person.
If we are smart enough, we can invent more ways how to be a better version of ourselves.
If we are smart and intelligent enough, we can realize that there are still ways that we can use to grow just a bit more, each and every day of our precious life!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 1 April 2019

Dream holiday.

Dream holiday.

With your loving person.
With your favourite book.
At your favourite spot/destination.
Doing your favourite things.
Listening to your favourite music.
Eating your favourite food.
Drinking your favourite drinks.
Talking about your favourite subjects.
Engaging in your favourite activities.
And more!

Thank you for reading and your time, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!