Saturday, 12 April 2014

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Seventeen)

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Seventeen)

11/3/2014: Let the Dreaming Big Begin (-:

12/3/2014: The Best Things Are FREE!!!!

13/3/2014: Build your very own LIFE!!

14/3/2014: Believing is seeing............

15/3/2014: I am, you are at peace!! (:

16/3/2014: Keep cool, calm, and collected!

17/3/2014: Things I (you) want to do.....!!!

18/3/2014: Even the darkness is a gift.....

19/3/2014: Give thanks, give more thanks!

20/3/2014: Break the f*cking rules!!!! :)

21/3/2014: Make ur enemies ur friends!

22/3/2014: Learn the Art of Receiving......

23/3/2014: Refuse to back down against.!

24/3/2014: Make it great, make it happen:)

25/3/2014: Be the shining Light...!!!

26/3/2014: Chase feeling instead of goal

27/3/2014: Bigger problem broader smile:)

28/3/2014: Trt urself happy&healthy&wise

29/3/2014: You identify, you can rectify.

30/3/2014: Do Intentional Awkward Pause

31/3/2014: You lose what you cling to!!

1/4/2014: We got to dream even bigger..!!

2/4/2014: You Must FEEL Love!!!!!! ;-)

3/4/2014: Let ur love scream out 4 the one.

4/4/2014: Live NOW, do NOW!!!!!!!

5/4/2014: If you give, you begin to live.

6/4/2014: "Failure is impossible."

7/4/2014: Be radically, sincerely honest.

8/4/2014: Love what you do&let it kill you!

9/4/2014: Mr we break mr we feel alive

10/4/2014: Every try for kindness counts!!