Monday, 10 March 2014

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Sixteen)

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Sixteen)

11/2/2014: Make art with all your selves

12/2/2014: Any~ lessTHNevery~ isn't engh

13/2/2014: Did you love today?

14/2/2014: CHOOSE to SHINE!! :-)

15/2/2014: Just live your life as it comes

16/2/2014: MOTIVATE YOURSELF!!! (:

17/2/2014: All's a dream within the dream

18/2/2014: I saw that. Karma.

19/2/2014: Cheer up & Chin up!! :-)

20/2/2014: Softening + Surrender.

21/2/2014: Just Show Up!! (-: :-)

22/2/2014: Surrender to the Journey!!!

23/2/2014: Test small. Launch big.

24/2/2014: Speak up & speak out loud!!

25/2/2014: The significance of life is living.

26/2/2014: What Enchants You?!? :)

27/2/2014: Human brain is ab. 75% H2o

28/2/2014: Fell in love all over again!! (-:

1/3/2014: Come even more alive!!!

2/3/2014: Remind yourself!!!!!!!!!!!

3/3/2014: Let's agree to disagree.

4/3/2014: Be patient as others learn.

5/3/2014: Confused mind says NO!

6/3/2014: Some say love and some say.....

7/3/2014: Shoot for the STARS!!!!

8/3/2014: Live & Love & Matter!!

9/3/2014: Be your very own HERO!!

10/3/2014: Fight For Your Life!!! :)

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Fear, Fear & Fear one more again! (because I love you..!!)

Fear, Fear & Fear one more again!

(because I love you..)

What in your opinion is fear?

What do we fear the most?

What kind of things and stuff make us fearful the most?

What sort of fears do we have and do we know of?

What do we actually fear the most of all, for the majority of the time?

Do we fear the rejection of someone we love deeply and fully and vulnerably?

Do we fear not getting the job of our dreams?

Do we fear not getting the work done?

Do we fear not fitting the exercise in?

Do we fear being lonely?

Do we fear death?

Do we have a fear of public speaking?

Do we fear missing out on something very, and super important and significant?

Do we fear being and feeling sick?

Do we fear being loved??

There is a confession to be made. And I could personally and honestly and frankly and in all fairness write article after article after article about this very thing.

One person who deeply touches your soul.

Someone you so much feel on the same wavelength.

Someone you so much feel to be on the same page.

Someone you so much feel ready to love and be loved in return by this person.

Someone who has such a creative, beautiful soul inside.

Someone who you feel wants to open up. Really open up to you.

Someone who wants to hold you tight and you want the very same thing!! Ahh

Someone who you want to trust. With all your heart.

Someone who you so much wish things to work out for you both.

Someone who you want so much to be patient with you.

Someone who you want to still Facebook message with.

Someone who you are going to meet. Face to face. Talk about all and everything.

Someone who you want to show his affection for you. Through song, through something that only you two would understand. Something that connects only you two together.

Someone who WANTS to be loved by you!!

Someone who is gentle and sensitive and creative and smart and good looking. A dangerous combination.

Someone who you so desperately want to meet again. And again. Finally!! :-)

Someone who likes you a lot. A LOT!!

Someone who you care about.

And someone who cares about you.

Please, please, get in touch with me... or else... we will find other way and other and other and other and other til we reach exactly what we have both been wishing for and longing for and dreaming about for so, so, so long!!!

I have been waiting patiently.

I am waiting patiently. For you.
For you.

For us.

I love you.. you must simply know who you are!

F. E. A. R. = False Evidence Appearing Real


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Writing for an hour every single each day!!!

Writing for an hour every single each day!!!

Yep! Writing for an hour every single each day could be an accomplishment to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a punishment to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a reward to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a real task to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a deal breaker to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be some homework to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a chore to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a real challenge to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a real eye-opener to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a real pain to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a real pleasure to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a passion to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a destiny to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a real test to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a way of life to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be an answer to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a neccessity to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be an absolute thing to do to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a major reason to wake up to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a real nerve-wrecker to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a must to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a remerkable joy to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a moment of truth to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be exciting to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be exhilirating to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a great fun to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be self-healing to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day couuld be self-exposing to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be relaxing to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be interesting to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a great form of mental exercise to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a wonderful stimulation for the mind to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be an amazing connecting to your soul to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be sexy in some ways to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a team work by yourself to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a never ending story to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be a love making to yourself to some.

Writing for an hour every single each day could be all that you have got to do to some.

:-) :-)

Monday, 3 March 2014



What is Oxytocin?

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone. When we hug or kiss a loved one, oxytocin levels drive up. It also acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. In fact, the hormone plays a huge role in pair bonding. Prairie voles, one of nature's most monogamous species, produce oxytocin in spades. This hormone is also greatly stimulated during sex, birth, breast feeding—the list goes on.


Perhaps you have heard of it before, perhaps you may have not.

I personally could never ever get possibly tired of studying and talking and searching everything, anything, I could put my hands on in relation with the hormone oxytocin.

Oxytocin is made in the brain. Both women and men make it. However, the female hormone estrogen synergizes with oxytocin – the two greatly enhance each other. A man and women might have equal levels of oxytocin but the woman experiences stronger effects. Physically, oxytocin facilitates childbirth and nursing for women. In both sexes, it increases by five-fold during sex. In men, however, it immediately drops and vasopressin rises sharply right afterward - explaining why men generally feel a sudden sense of separateness! Personality wise, oxytocin promotes touching, affection and bonding. In both men and women it rises instantly with a single touch. Oxytocin also influences female social behavior. It promotes “nesting“; monogamy and pair bonding; the nurturing, acceptance and protection of offspring; and pup-retrieval in animals. It influences mate selection. Many of these effects are confirmed in humans as well as animals. For all its positive benefits, high oxytocin inhibits cognitive ability by impairing learning and memory. It encourages emotional extremes but it also prevents depression.

Enjoy, enjoy & enjoy!!


Sunday, 2 March 2014

As you get older....

As you get older....

As you get older, you become more wiser, hopefully and supposedly, and perhaps a little bit more braver and bolder, as well.

As you get older, things change.

As you get older, thoughts change.

As you get older, you may also change.

As you get older, the people around you may change, too!

As you get older, there is a chance you may not see through the same eyes any more.

As you get older, there is a high probability your chances may suddenly shrink.

As you get older, you may be offered many choices, actually perhaps way too many.

As you get older, you may become more sensitive.

As you get older, you may discover hidden flaws of yours.

As you get older, you may need to ask more and more questions.

As you get older, you may need to look for and search for more answers to your questions.

As you get older, you may become more aware of your surroundings.

As you get older, you may enjoy listening to music even more than now.

As you get older, you may enjoy reading books even more than right now.

As you get older, you may realize you have been mistaken at least on some occasions.

How long have we been alive?

And now how long have we been really living?

How many years?

Is your life counted by the years you have already lived and enjoyed?

Or is your life counted by the moments that have taken your breath away?

Can you enjoy every single day of your life?

Now, of course, I am not saying that it is absolutely necessary to be as happy as a cucumber every single each day! :-)

Sad days happen as well as the crazy ones and mad ones and happy ones.

If we could be grateful for all kinds of days, what sort of life would we be enjoying, you suppose?

There is no stagnation, our life flows like a river.

We should not be dependent on anyone and anything.

Step by step we learn to let go and to move on.

We all, each of us, can serve as an inspiration, be it good or not-so-good!

We could all make the same mistake over and all over again. But what is the use? Could we possibly do it a little bit more differently next time over?

What are the lessons that we could learn from somebody else's mistake and what on the other hand is the lesson that we could possibly teach somebody else in need of one, of any?

What is actually the most profound and the most truest and hardest lesson of all that we are here to conquer?

I am really hoping for everybody to resemble with what they desire the most.

And I am also hoping and wishing for anybody to learn and to teach the lessons we are meant to teach and to learn.

Good Luck to every one!!!


Thank you for your time to read and participate!!
