Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Thirteen)

Lucie’s 365(6) wisdom treats/pearls/bites/tidbits!! :-) (PART Thirteen)

11/11/2013: Change brings opportunity.

12/11/2013: Make time, not excuses.

13/11/2013: Music=sound of the feelings.

14/11/2013: Be curious & not judgemental

15/11/2013: Choices+Chances=CHANGE

16/11/2013: People Helping People!!

17/11/2013: Live, Live your choice!

18/11/2013: Balance is key in life.

19/11/2013: Who is your hero/heroine??

20/11/2013: Own yourself first.

21/11/2013: Celebrate. A BIG TIME!!

22/11/2013: Learn more than you believe

23/11/2013: Give more than you receive.

24/11/2013: Be Selfish, Be Generous!!

25/11/2013: Own/Create your very Life!!

26/11/2013: Inner Change=Outer Result!

27/11/2013: Be Your Passion!! :-)

28/11/2013: How BAD do u really want it

29/11/2013: Want IT like never before!

30/11/2013: Don't apologize 4 who u r

1/12/2013: "Love created me like itself."

2/12/2013:Look 4 a sign of beauty/grace

3/12/2013: We are all in this together

4/12/2013: Boldness=genius/power/magic

5/12/2013: Read to lead. Learn to earn.

6/12/2013: In what area you can work on?

7/12/2013: They can = they think they can

8/12/2013: Crime & kindness=birth future

9/12/2013: Smtms the Crisis Is the Healing

10/12/2013: Be a Rebelle in this world:)