Monday, 31 December 2012

1/1/2013 (tomorrow, I know)

1/1/2013 (tomorrow, I know)

It may take some getting used to the new date, a new year!

It is so precious just to realize that this day is the only one that we are going to have. What do I mean by that? Easy! There would be no 1/1/2013 again! All we have got today is 24 hours. That is it! How are you going to spend it? Celebrate it? Working? Going for a run? Hitting the gym? Starting eating healthy? Giving up smoking, drinking? Well whatever you do, do not beat yourself up if it does not work you, if all falls through. Set yourself for a success. Smile, breathe and be happy. There is always tomorrow and another go, another chance to take! Whatever you begin doing today, from starting to read a book, running a bath, cooking, playing with your children, cleaning the house, washing the car, gardening, taking time for yourself, walking in the nature, singing, dancing, laughing, to making sweet love, making babies, getting married, starting a new business, getting on a new eating healthy regime habit, walking on the beach, drinking more water, watering the garden, planting the seed, putting in the tree to grow, asking your sweetheart out, going on a date, going to the movies, go sightseeing, watching TV, going to the theatre, going skiing with friends, visiting family, writing in your journal, kissing someone you adore and love, making a snowman, or building sandcastles, stepping outside of your comfort zone, playing the piano /  the guitar, starting painting, colouring, meditating, doing yoga, praying, going to the church, petting an animal, shopping, learning another language, making new friends, attending a concert, a seminar, a gig, a festival, a farmer’s market, writing a book, attending a class, going to a workshop, joining the book club,  doing laundry, beginning a college, opening a saving’s account, volunteer in a local children’s hospital, becoming a youth worker, looking after the park in your neighbourhood, singing, visiting a museum, visiting relatives, visiting a shelter, helping out someone or just having fun, fun & fun!! J 

Big LOVE (and beyond) coming tomorrow on & on & on & on & on & on!!

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.”


Sunday, 30 December 2012

New Year’s Resolutions, anyone?

New Year’s Resolutions, anyone?

v Have you ever set yourself New Year’s resolutions?

v Do they work for you?

v Did you succeed?

v Or do you believe enough in setting them for yourself?

v Are you having some set in the following next year?

v How are you going about setting some for yourself?

v Are you setting some for your family, children if you have some?

v Do you write and put these down on a paper?

Setting New Year’s Resolution is very similar to setting goals for yourself.

What are you working on improving?

Are you going to start eating healthy, nutritious food, after all?

Are you going to hit the gym at least 5 times a week?

Are you going to listen, really listen, to what your children are telling you?

Are you going to make new friends?

Are you going to look for a new J.O.B?  OR

Are you going to search for and never give up till you find what your purpose is?

Are you going to be more organized?

Are you going to be more friendly, lead and be an example? Inspire?

Are you going to become more calm, cool rather than stressed out over petty, silly stuff?

Are you going to tithe? And teach it to your children as well?

Are you going to finally break the man’s / woman’s code?

Are you going to meditate and practise yoga?

Are you going to finally finish reading all those books you were meant to read that just gather dust on your night stand?

Are you going to college and start on you Degree?

Are you going to be of help and service to others?

Is your time valuable enough to share it and volunteer that what you cannot ever be given back, ever?

Are you going to save and save and save and save and save and save some, MORE money? Investment, anyone?

Have you decided to speak up for yourself? To be more assertive? To never, EVER, settle for less than you can EVER be, do and have?

Are you going to be nicer to nature, environment, commit to green & eco living?

Do not let that stop you. Do not let anyone and anything to stop you from being, doing and having that that you can be, do and have!!!!!

Build the momentum and keep on keeping on!

PS Last day of the year 2012 tomorrow. Last 'topic' tomorrow. Big Blog Post coming up tomorrow! Thank you for your time and reading!  J

Saturday, 29 December 2012



One of the best friends of mine asked me today (Coincidence? Nope, I don’t think so!!) how to go about setting the goals for the year 2013 and the year after and the year after and the year after and the… (you get the idea!) J

Pretty easy stuff, huh?

Well…. I did some deep, really deep-down searching and this is the baby I gave the birth to… J EnJoy!

This blog contains a lot (A LOT) points, so just to make sure it is easy to notice and apply!

So, here we go & let us begin ….

12 Areas of Balance:

1.   Health and Fitness
2.   Intellectual Life
3.   Emotional Life
4.   Character
5.   Spiritual Life
6.   Love Relationships
7.   Parenting Vision
8.   Social Life
9.   Financial Life
10.               Career
11.               Quality of Life
12.               Life Vision

Setting Goals + Shaping Your Future

Ask yourself….

ü Do I have goals that have been left unaccomplished for an extended period of time?

ü Am I truly making strides towards accomplishing my goals, or am I hindering my own effort either consciously or unconsciously?

ü Am I willing to look at things differently so that things can change?

ü Am I open to new ideas or strategies that may positively assist me in the achievement of my goals?

ü Where can I get ideas?

ü Who could help?

The 10 Simple Goal Setting Tips

1.   Be decisive
2.   Stay focused
3.   Welcome failure
4.   Write down your goals
5.   Plan thoroughly
6.   Get others involved
7.   Take purposeful action
8.   Enjoy the journey
9.   Reward yourself
10.               Review your goals

My Goals, Categorized


·        What skills do I want to develop?
·        What do I want to learn?
·        What relationships do I want to create?


·        What do I want to accomplish?
·        What kind of impact do I want to have?


·        What level of physical fitness do I want to maintain or achieve?
·        What can I do to improve my eating habits?
·        What practices can I partake in that will cultivate my spirituality?


·        Have I been dreaming about purchasing a new car or installing the latest home entertainment system?
·        Or do I want to hire help for household duties so that I can have more time with my family and friends?


·        What income level do I want to achieve?
·        Are there investments that I would like to make within the next year?


·        What do I want to leave behind?
·        What do I want to be remembered for?

Put your goals through the ‘’SMART’’ system:

S => SPECIFIC: is your goal too vague? Specifics help us to focus our efforts and clearly define what we are going to do. Answered by what, why, how.

M => MEASURABLE: how will you know when you have succeeded? Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

A => ATTAINABLE: a goal needs to stretch you slightly so you feel you can do it and it will need a real commitment from you.

R => REALISTIC: to be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work. Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accomplished. Set the bar high enough for a satisfying achievement!

T => TIME BOUND: do you have a timeline? Putting an end point on your goal gives you a clear target to work towards.

The 7 ways to make 2013 (and beyond) AMAZING!!! ;-)

1.   Set Intentions
-     Add 'this or something better' to each intention

2.   Schedule Actions
-      Break it down into doable smaller steps

3.   Take Action
-      Take ten actions every day in the direction of making your intentions for 2013 (and beyond!!) come into reality

4.   Face Fears
-      Fear is an energy you can use. Take a deep breath and use the energy in the emotion to propel you forward.

5.   Feed Your Brain
-      Go through the catalog and get audio programs that inspire and educate you, browse internet for success literature, self-help material, and biographies that educate you, and select presentation from TED that will change your life 20 mins at a time.

6.   Set Rewards
-      Decide what you want for yourself for each intention you listed for step one about. Write it down beside the intention. Look at the list daily, preferably just before going to sleep each night. That’s a great way to deliver a ‘command’ to your unconscious mind.

7.   Get Support
-      Surround yourself with people who encourage, motivate, and inspire you. Create a mastermind group. Join a club of high achievers. Find at least one person who believes in you!!

The 10 Do-It-Now Manifesting Tips To Turn Your Intentions Into Creation:

1.   Focus on what you want
2.   Increase believability
3.   Introduce the outcome of your desire into your life now
4.   Find and break your limiting beliefs
5.   Know that you are a master creator
6.   Pay attention to your intention
7.   Take action
8.   Maintain a high vibration and feel good
9.   Be persistent!
10.               Release your attachment

Good LUCK & Never EVER Give Up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Have you heard of a Vision Board before?

Do you know what that is??

Did you make one already?

Would you like to have such for yourself?

As you set your goals for the New Year, remember to be as specific as possible with all aspects. Include the make, model, color, year and features…the size, weight, shape and form…and any other detail. Vague goals produce vague results.

Daily Mojo: Give what you want.

Ø  Want courage? Encourage.

Ø  Want hope? Give hope.

Ø  Want love? Give love.

Ø  Want success? Help someone else become successful.

I have included an example of such a Vision Board so you can get an idea!

If you have worry, you don’t have faith, and if you have faith, you don’t have worry!!

Good Luck in Everything!! J



Dear Sleep, Dear sleep, sleep.

That natural beauty enhancer.

That sweet honey in its purest form.

That the loveliest melody of all! (-:

Who has never ever experienced having a sleepless night? Hands up? Yep, everyone! That is what I thought so…

Insomnia. As they call it.

I was recently asked by my sister (YES, it is You!!) for an advice for having a nice, an 8 hour sleep a night remedy.

So, I happily jumped on a challenge J

And here is what I have come up with (Please, ensure that you use common sense if applying these and as always REMEMBER – YOU KNOW YOURSELF BEST!):

So first things first....

ü  It is very important to realize how much sleep is important and that is a great first step!

ü   What is very important is to BE GRATEFUL and think of people, things, actions you are deeply, truly proud of and love!!!

ü  Every day when I go to sleep and say to myself the words: I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. I keep repeating them over and over and over and over and over.... till...... you know....... till ................ I.... am...... fast....... asleep....... :-)

ü  I also keep saying THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU just before drifting off to sleep!!

ü   If you have any worries - put them on the paper right now and I mean, RIGHT NOW!!! No point in worrying over them right now when you cannot do much about it. Just putting them on the paper next to your bed - that simple action tells your brain that 'something' has your trouble - in this case A PAPER - in store and will take care of it while you sleep. 

ü   You can help yourself mentally by going over your day and things that did not go as you wanted them to go, just imagine HOW YOU WISH THEM TO GO AND VIRTUALLY VIZUALIZE THE OUTCOME YOU WISHED FOR.

ü  Go to bed at the same time every night including weekends but get up 2 hours earlier than usual. Don't nap for more than 20 to 30 minutes during the day. If you wake, get up and read a book or magazine for an hour before going to sleep. Once sleep is continuous again - increase the time you sleep by 15 minutes every three days until you are back to your normal length. 

ü  You can have a relaxing lavender bath before bedtime.

ü  Supplement of magnesium may help.

ü  What is very important is avoid any sugary food after 6pm and of course tea, etc. 

ü  Try this breathing exercise which we should do also during the day (it is AMAZING): lie flat on your back, eyes closed, one hand on your chest. Inhale for a count of four, hold for seven, then exhale slowly to eight. Visualize waves shimmying up a beach, hoovering for a moment, then receding gently..... slowly....... into the sea.

ü  Exercise may help, try yoga - you can even do it at home (there are numbers of yoga exercises on youtube). You do it for 20 minutes (depending when you are home and on your work schedule!), all you need is a youtube+mat+and a willingness to learn something new! :-)

ü  Light, relaxing music, nothing too loud should be helpful, too.

ü   And the room should be dark and does not feel too hot and humid.

ü  You should not eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. I am very good at time, I do not eat after 5pm every day and in the morning I am all set and ready to rock and roll :-)

ü  No sugar, no strong tea and avoid any heavy meals. 

ü  You can also have a glass of milk with cinnamon (cinnamon is SOOOOO GOOD FOR YOU!!!!).

ü   A warm organic milk with a good honey might help, too!

ü  Also, if possible, try not to go online / use a computer before going to sleep / bedtime.

ü  Try to do things in bed only associate with sleeping in the bedroom - book reading is fine and then, you know, love making, of course!!!

ü  TV should BE LEFT OUTSIDE OF BEDROOM - It is a stimulant and the wires are not good at all for sleeping in the same room with!

ü  Make sure your mobile / cell phone is at least 2 meters away from your head while sleeping!

ü  Clear up all the clutter and sort out your wardrobes.

ü  Turn the clock face away from you so you don't obsess about the time.

ü  You can spray a lavender spritz on the pillow.

What helps you at night to have your beauty done without compromise?

Let us know what works for ya’, will ya’? J


Thank you !!