Tuesday, 30 October 2012

No One Is An Island

No One Is An Island

We, people, are social creatures!

No one makes it alone!

Cooperation, that is!

We need, I dare to say, we crave (!) human contact and human touch! We were born to interact with one another! We are meant to collide and to keep bumping into one another!

We are all connected together and to each other! Our brains, our hearts, our minds. Like it or not! Have you ever experienced a feeling when you were thinking of someone and then soon right afterwards that someone has phoned you, or has emailed you or has sent you a letter? Well, that is what I am referring to!

Our thoughts are connected, we vibrate on a similar level, like attracts like. I have experienced it myself, of course! The connection, the feelings, the thoughts, the vibration, the sensation.

OUR MINDS ARE INTERWEAVEN. I recommend you try it for yourself! You will be happily surprised!

There is no successful person who has made it on his/her own. We need master mind of like-minded people who aim to achieve the same goals, people who have high standards, who are on the same wavelength as us, who are in sync with us and who shoot high just like us!

We are here to help each other, to reach out, to branch out, we are meant to stretch our hands and our hearts to others! We must build one another up, grow together and learn from and about each other!

I learnt it the hard way! Avoid the mistakes of being too proud to admit it. Learn from your past!

WE ALL NEED HELP from time to time!

No matter how successful you are, no matter what your background is, no matter what your religious is, no matter what education you have had, no matter how many seminars you have gone to, no matter how many course you have taken and undertaken!

v  Are you living your life as you want it to be and go?

v  Are you setting yourself up for a success?

v  Are you living up to your full potential?

v  Are you happy with how things are going/working for you at the moment?

v  Are you reaching out to others for help/advice?

v  Are you asking yourself what is it you are meant to do here?

v  Are you happy, satisfied OR is there something missing in your life?

v  Are you striving and thriving to make your dreams a reality?

v  Are you stuck in a rut?

v  Are you nice, cosy and warm in your comfort zone OR do you dare to step out?

 There is always another level, another step to take, another goal to reach, another book to read, another person to meet and encounter, another task to take and accomplish, another X, another Y, another Z!!

Good Luck !!!

Thank you for taking your time to read my blog post!! J

Sunday, 28 October 2012

In order to see things differently, YOU have got to change!!

In order to see things differently, YOU have got to change!!

What is your point of view? How do you see things from your point of view? How do they look like to you? How do they seem? How do they feel?

Are there any things in your life and you wish them to be different, to change?? I bet they are! J

The above statement could not possibly be said any clearer!

It is what you make of it!! Period. Full stop.

Take a look at the truths below and have a think about how these apply to you:

Sow a thought => Reap an action
Sow an action => Reap a habit
Sow a habit => Reap a character
Sow a character => Reap a destiny

We make decisions daily. Sometimes they are minor, sometimes they require our full attention.

It is all in the way we look at things. It is about the perspective we hold toward to what has happened to us. We always have a choice. We can be happy OR we can be sad. We cannot smile and feel desperate at the same time. Try it and let me know the results you have accomplished. We can struggle and concentrate on all the things that have been going ‘’wrong’’ for us OR we can behave and act positively and look for solutions to our challenges and search for the lessons and opportunities that will arise along with our makings’ of our minds!

So which path are YOU choosing?

I believe we each have a desire to do well, achieve greatness and be happy and make those around us happy till the end of times! Actually, I am sure of it, I know this to be true! The point is that we cannot be, do, have and give that which we do not do, have, give and who we are not! Let us become examples, let us be leaders and take a lead!

We have only this moment! Nothing more, nothing less. Let us recognize it and use it to our own best ability!! When we next wake up, our day will turn the way our lips will turn. Let us make it a happy one then! J

Everything that has ever happened to us did happen for our greatest good! There are no mistakes, no accidents. If we see things as opportunities for us to advance, to grow, lessons to learn about ourselves and life around us, if we use them to help ourselves and the people around us – we will greatly contribute to the community in which we live! The reverse will then have an opposite effect, of course!

Being grateful is what we all should be doing on a daily basis. Be happy with what you have, cherish it and be thankful. Appreciate the little things, the people, animals, nature and all that surrounds you! Give thanks and look at the bright side of life. See always the glass as half full and feel/taste the doughnut, not the hole in it! J

That is the way it is!

How have you decided today to have your day go??
It is just up to you, you know…………………………… J

Thank you and, please, feel free to share and comment!
Tons appreciated! J
I will talk to you soon!

Friday, 26 October 2012

Practice MAKES Perfect

Practice MAKES Perfect

Practice, practice, practice.

It is all about the hours of work that you put in, which means ANYONE can do it.

The 10.000 hour rule states: it takes 10.000 hours deliberate practice to become an expert.

Repetition is the mother of all learning.

If you want to be a writer – write, write, write and write again even more!
If you want to be a singer - sing!
If you want to be a dancer – dance!
If you want to be an actor – act!
If you want to be a driver – drive!
If you want to be a reader – read!
If you want to be a speaker – speak!
If you want to be a teacher – teach!
If you want to be a pianist – play the piano!
If you want to be a painter – paint!
If you want to be a salesman/saleswoman – sale & sale!
If you want to be a speaker - talk, talk, talk!
If you want to be a diver – dive!
If you want to be a baker – bake!

When I work the most and the hardest, the happier and the more satisfied I become and I feel!

We are either growing or we are dying. There is nothing else in between. We stagnate. Growing and developing stop.

In order to become a human being of who we are meant to be and grow into our potential, we need to learn daily and experienced not yet experienced!

Ø  Never stop learning, never stop educating yourself.
Ø  Never stop growing and challenging yourself!
Ø  Every day do the thing that scares you right out of your pants!


Tuesday, 23 October 2012

YOU NEED IT as much as YOU WANT IT!!!!

YOU NEED IT as much as YOU WANT IT!!!!


How to go about finding your passion, your meaning, your calling, your reason FOR BEING HERE, your niche, your purpose, your vocation, your element, your career in life??

We are all here for a reason. It is rooted deep down inside each of us. On some level, we already know what it is! Yes, You Do Know What THIS Is!!!

What is the difference here? (Think twice before you answer!)

  •                I need you because I love you! (YES)
  •                I love you because I need you! (NO)

The following 6 Human Needs definitely deserve your attention. Check these out!

Six human needs:

1.      Certainty/Comfort.
 We all want comfort. And much of this comfort comes from certainty. Of course there is no absolute certainty, but we want certainty the car will start, the water will flow from the tap when we turn it on and the currency we use will hold its value.

2.     Variety. 
At the same time we want certainty, we also crave variety. Paradoxically, there needs to be enough uncertainty to provide spice and adventure in our lives.

3.     Significance.
 Deep down, we all want to be important. We want our life to have meaning and significance. No one wants to think his or her life didn’t matter.

4.     Connection/Love.
 Love is what it’s all about. We want to feel part of a community. We want to be cared for and cared about.

These first four needs are needs of the personality. The last two are spiritual needs.

5.      Growth. 
There could be some people who say they don’t want to grow, but they are more likely fearful of doing so—or perhaps not doing so. To become better, to improve our skills, to stretch and excel may be more evident in some than others, but it’s there.

6.     Contribution.
 The desire to contribute something of value—to help others, to make the world a better place than we found it, is in all of us.     

We should look at people as if they had a sign written on their forehead that reads: ‘Make Me Feel Important!’.

People want to feel needed, wanted, important, appreciated, interesting, worthwhile.

All is all, at the end of day, we are here to serve others. To learn about loving and about giving and about sharing.  

o   Have you been playing your part?
o   Are you being honest with yourself?
o   Have you been taking steps to finding it?
o   What is your path to happiness?
o   Have you found yours?

Please, share, share & share even more J

Thank you!! 

Friday, 19 October 2012



I am just wondering and curious to know as to if there is any way whatsoever to being able to understand women and men. 

Well, of course, there is! J

You have just got to find your very own way to it!! J

I dare to say that every one of us has paid his/her own share of that understanding.

Learning about and from the opposite sex is a chapter by itself. We both are wired differently, our brains are wired differently as well as our hearts and minds, too. Men see and view things differently from women. We all possess masculine and feminine energies.   

We both feel differently just to make the matters more interesting, I suppose!

Everyone is crying out for love. Shouting. Screaming. Kicking. Making silly, wild and loud noises. Crying for an attention. Crying for an appreciation. Crying for being noticed.

Men love about women: compassion, adventure

Women love about men: sense of confidence, sense of humour

How can I use this information??

What must I do here in this situation??

Let us be open to all possibilities and options. Let us learn from one another. Let us explore each other. Let us be curious about the male and the female worlds. And most importantly, let us be grateful for every single opportunity that has been given to us!! Let us not take anything and anyone for granted!!

Our every encounter with the person carries a message for us to teach us something and to learn from! The stronger, the deeper the feeling, the greater the lesson to be learnt and gained from!

I could not help but wonder…

So… in conclusion, I would add that yes, it is possible to enquire the knowledge of and about men and women but let us be realistic and optimistic at the same time and let’s proclaim that the journey would be an on-going process and would require willingness and an attitude of appreciation.

I love you, guys (and women for that matter as well)!! J


Tuesday, 16 October 2012



Are we supposed to rely on our heart or let our mind rule the way? We all are soul based creatures. We are already perfect. Everything that we need is already within each and every one of us! There are no mistakes and there are no accidents.

Our heart resonates on a higher vibration than our brain’s. But what if your heart and your brain are in conflict? What if they contradict each other? What then? How do you go about resolving it?

I believe I am a very intuitive person. The older/experienced I get the more better (confident?) I am at intuition, listening to my inner wisdom, to my heart, to my instincts, to my knowledge deep inside.

No one knows us better than we do ourselves. We are our own greatest teachers! Our feelings are our only unique ways through which our body communicates with us. Learn and trust those inner whispers that are only yours. Following them will lead us onto the fields that we have never ever dreamt before of achieving and/or reaching! And way far beyond our wildest dreams, too!

There is no right or wrong way or approach. What works for one person, does not necessarily mean is going to work for the other. We all have had a childhood of our own, our life experiences differ from one to the other. There are various paths a man can choose to go, to take, to lead! Whichever he chooses, he needs to be ready and accept the consequences that will certainly appear.

I wish for each and every one of us this journey of ours to go from smooth to even smoother but also with some ‘healthy challenges’ along the way, on a side, as a side dish J

May we all find our happy path, either through hearts or our minds. Either way is right as long as it resonates with you and vibrates at the most highest possible level for the specific individual.

Enjoy your journey, it is still under construction and it is still ‘work in progress’, making heaps and bounds improvements as the story goes on and on and on.

Learn on, teach others, educate yourself on and at every opportunity, keep on keeping on and the results MUST SHOW UP!!! J

I would love to learn and read about your heart/mind story. Please, share. Thank you! J

Saturday, 13 October 2012



Have you ever experienced any divine connections? Have you met people that completely turned your live upside down for the better? Being in the right place and at the right time? 

I certainly have! And it has shaken me to the very core of my being! The more I think about the experience, the more I can see the connection. That many of advantages I can make out of it. It is amazing how much we can learn from our life as long as we are willing to search for the answers and for the clues.

All things are always working together for our good! There are no exceptions! There are no coincidences.

Have you met your angels sent down to you from heaven? How did they look like to you? What did they help you with?

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for sending down on me all those divine connections!! It makes me grow, mature, learn, experience, being more compassionate, more independent, more confident, more wholesome person and more happier person as well! 

Please, leave a feedback and help and spread more divine connections............. :-)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012



Ah, all those decisions that shape our destinies…………

We all have to make them. Daily. Big ones and the small ones as well. There is no shortcut.

Being flexible on your journey is also very important.

There is no way to avoid them! Life is built on decisions. We need to be aware of all the consequences of our decisions. We need to take a responsibility for every decision we make!!!!

What helps you to decide? What do you use/do to make a decision? Do you flip the coin?

And I have just decided to end this blog here....

Thank you for reading and, please, do leave a comment. Feedbacks are much appreciated also! J

Friday, 5 October 2012


TIME and time again!!

What is Time? 

When we ask this question, the kinds of answers we get are, "Time is something we measure by a calendar or clock," or "Time is a measurement of activity. "Webster's Third New International Dictionary defines time as "a period during which something exists or continues. "None of these definitions, however, really explain what time is to us.

Time is nothing but an emotion or feeling: It's a way of looking at a moment, or at life, that produces an emotional state within us.

Think about it. How do you know how long something really takes other than by how it feels? If you are doing something that doesn't fulfil you, then a minute can seem like an eternity, can't it?

Similarly, when you love what you're doing and you are totally engrossed in it, time can fly by. It literally ceases to exist. The bottom line is that time is completely driven by emotion.

There is a big difference in how you experience it if you are walking around stressed vs. if you are spending the moments of your life doing things that really matter to you. So, while there is no more physical time for any of us, there is a lot more time for what really matters to you. 

Every one of us has 24 hours a day. No more, no less. That is the only resource that we are all on equal terms with.

Time is our precious commodity.

Time never stops.

Time cannot be returned.

Time cannot be turned back.

Time is going, going and going on and on and on.

There never was, never ever is and never is going to be the exact same day, the exact same moment!
Make the most of it and savour it!

Someone may say that time is playing against us. Well… unless you know what the rules of the game are!!!

How are you managing your time?

Are you effective with your time??

Are you using your time to your best advantage?

Do you appreciate the real value of it?

It is so easy to get caught up doing something that takes us nowhere!

Keep the following in mind:

Time targets:

 - Dimension of distraction (not urgent, not important) - hanging out, TV
 - Dimension of delusion (urgent, not important) - emails, phone
 - Dimension of demand (urgent & important) - not too much time there!
 - Dimension of Fulfillment / THE ZONE (important, not urgent) - health - 50%

Good Luck! J

Wednesday, 3 October 2012



How much does your health mean to you??

How much is your health worth to you??

Are the following activities/points your Friends OR your Enemies?

ü  Do not focus on problems, focus on solutions!

ü  Exercise

ü  Healthy eating

ü  Water drinking

ü  Sleep

ü  Breathing correctly

ü  Brushing the teeth and flossing in between

ü  Positive attitude


ü  Hide-sleep-quiet-do not eat (ask me for a clarification!)

ü  Mental health

ü  People you interact on a day to day basis

ü  Books you read

ü  Radio, Television set, newspapers, tapes, CDs you listen to, read and watch daily

ü  Your environment

ü  Photos, pictures, portraits you look at on a daily basis

Are we appreciating every, single part of our bodies?? Legs, hands, fingers, our nose, eyes, ears, skin, our liver, heart, stomach, our every cell???

I argue you to thank your body today for all that functioning that has been doing for you for all this time without every single second stopping! That is a miracle to me!! J