Saturday, 30 June 2012



By “it” I mean the F-word here. Yep, you've got it! It is fear! False Evidence Appearing Real.

Are you bigger than “it” or has it knocked your life down on a few occasions in the past??!

We grow the most when we face our fears.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Be brave, bold, courageous, daring, challenge yourself!!

Your playing small does not help the world!

There are no failures, only outcomes!

There are no mistakes, only learning experiences/opportunities/lessons to learn!

There are no problems, only challenges!

These statements above are not just random sentences. There is a real power in them. Go ahead and look for it!!

So far I have faced “fear” many times in my life. Sometimes planned, sometimes unexpected. And on some occasions, I just simply freaked out. But when I did do the thing that seemed to be scary to me at first, when I did decide to face it, feel it in my very bones and enjoy the process all at the same time….  Boy, what an exhilarating feeling that is!!

I really wish you that feeling from the bottom of my heart. You will grow, you will stretch yourself, you will not stay in the rut, you will get outside of your nice, cosy and warm comfort zone. And most importantly, you will learn about the very person you need to learn most about in and for your entire life – YOU!

So are you up for a challenge? Yes, it is not easy, it requires effort (everything that is worthwhile requires effort, by the way!), energy, time, perhaps some of your finances, and your personal power.

I wish for you all of it and more to achieve and dare to face all your wildest dreams with the biggest smile on your face.

You can do it!

Saturday, 23 June 2012


REGRET: I’ve decided to choose a topic/subject on a weekly basis and to write away and about my own personal opinions, views, take ons, experiences, etc regarding it. Let us start with the biggie!

 Here we go...


What a sexy topic, isn’t it!?!

Do you ever regret anything in your life? Let’s ponder this question for a while, shall we? I believe we have all been there, done that. We have all gone through highs and lows of life – said things that we may more or less wish have never been spoken and/or said and just simply remain silent for good; perhaps done things that would be better off undone or something like that… Should I carry on?

I have recently been asked if I ever regret something, anything in my life. Would I wish it had never happened?? Looking back, I confidently proclaimed: No. I feel I have always been a fan of a glass half full. I am a firm believer in saying everything happens for a reason as long as we are willing to look and search for it! Even though at that time it may not look like that – it is all happening for our highest good. Suddenly you realize that there are actually no mistakes, there are no coincidences. Challenge me on this one or dare yourself to be challenged!  

Please, leave a comment/feedback. Thank you.

Also, please, feel free to suggest a topic that you would like me to elaborate on in my next blog. Much appreciated!! J

Be back next week!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

My first blog EVER!! And more to come! Please, leave a comment. Much appreciated :-)

Hey everyone

As the title says this is my first blog ever and I am already loving it. And I can definitely assure you there is more to come. Well.. where should I start? I am a kind girl who smiles a lot and I have been on a journey of a personal development for some time now. For over 2 years, to be exact. To be frank with you right from the start, it has not been an easy ride. However, I have been grateful for every single bump along the way. And the journey still continues...
I have been thinking of creating my own blog for long time but somehow I have not gotten around it yet. Well until this day anyway.
I usually plan my days the way it works best for me, that is - one day in advance. Today is Sunday and I am based in Dublin, Ireland. I love this country and I enjoy the weather, too. Yes, I do! So now to contradict what I have said before, I did not plan this day... and so ended up writing this blog! How did I get to do that - you gotta wait til the next blog, will you? I know you will....